chapter eleven.

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"Saeyoung don't ever go near Soul." said Ni-ki who still had a furious expression making Saeyoung shiver inside. She could see nothing but flames in his eyes, he looks like could kill someone in a matter of seconds.

No matter how angry Ni-ki was right now, Saeyoung can't lie to herself when she found him more attractive when he's mad. But somehow she felt curious, why was he so mad about anyways? She did nothing wrong.

"Why would I? Soul seems like a nice guy. He haven't done anything wrong."  she defended.

Ni-ki scoffed at Saeyoung's comment. He couldn't believe that Saeyoung was defending him. If only she knew.  "Soul can't be trusted Saeyoung. You don't know him, so I'm just giving you a fore-warning." 

Saeyoung stared at him blankly as he leaves to go and sit right near his team. She feels so clueless and lost. What was it with him and Soul that even Saeyoung has been ordered to stay away from him? But then again, she never even promised Ni-ki anything so, who is he to tell her who to talk and not talk to?

"I smell a couple coming~" teased Nina who went beside her friend with a cheeky grin.

Turning her attention to Nina, Saeyoung snorted at the tease and walked outside of the room with Nina trailing her incase she gets lost again. "What the hell are you talking about Nina Hillman? Me and Ni-ki are nothing but friends."

"But it doesn't look like you guys are actually friends at all. Maybe not even good friends."

"What do you mean by that?" Saeyoung questioned. Whenever she and Ni-ki gets to talk with each other, Nina is usually there, Saeyoung knows that her friend isn't dumb enough to obviously see the friendly relationship she and Ni-ki has.

"First of all, did you even notice on how sad he was when he stated the possibility that it wouldn't be him you'd be taking a picture of? Second, last week he gave you a peck on the cheek! Thirdly, did you even see on how furious he was when he heard that some guy tried to harm you? And fourth of all, Ni-ki just harshly dragged Soul out of the room and even warned you about him? Girl, people with eyes and ears can tell that he was being overprotective of you." Nina pointed out.

Saeyoung wanted to fully believe that Ni-ki was being overprotective, just the thought of it made butterflies fly inside her stomach. But sadly, the sudden scene of Ni-ki and Takara hugging flashed right back to her mind, giving Saeyoung low hopes for her and Ni-ki to eventually happen.

It's hopeless. Especially when Yasuda Takara exists.

"You want to go get some snacks? I feel hungry. Don't worry it's my treat!" Saeyoung tried to change the topic. She wasn't in the mood to talk about Ni-ki or her, or whatever happened earlier.

"Sure! Like what you said, it's you're treat."  reminded Nina who laughed like a child.

"You sure you already know where to go?" Saeyoung nodded.

"Okay, if you say so! I'll just meet you back in the dance team's room."  Nina waved a small good bye before turning her back and going back, leaving Saeyoung.

When she bought some snacks for herself and Nina, Saeyoung did not forget about Soul and wanted to thank him for what he did, and if buying him simple food to munch on will do, Saeyoung will gladly do it.

The girl went to look at one of the notice board to track and locate the location of Soul's designated room and where he and his team were practicing. From what Saeyoung remembers, Soul is a dance representative of Hyevin Performance College so she has to search the name "Hyevin."

"Shit." a girl muttered. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you."

A man released a heavy sigh, massaging his temples while he's at it.  "These were for the judges! Now you got them all wet. Meaning, I have to go back and create another copy." the man said with anger visible in his tone.

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