chapter one.

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" I'm sorry but I don't like you."

The boy looked at Saeyoung with saddened eyes, but she could still see the hope in it, as if what she said just now was a joke. Sadly, he saw nothing but pity and worry in her eyes as she slowly rejected the flowers and stuffed panda, handing it back to him.

Saeyoung backed away, staring at the boy for a few seconds before actually turning back, grabbing her bag from the nearby bench. She did not want to appear on camera from all the devices from strangers who started recording the boy's confession. I mean, did they really had to do that?

One thing Saeyoung hates about these things is that, when an event like this is about to happen people around you gathers round taking photos and videos that leads you some others to think that, are they close? why do they have to take a video of it? I don't know for others but for Saeyoung, the situation is kind-of personal.

And then, when the guy got rejected, these strangers even had the audicity to laugh at him. So insensitive.

" Saeyoung wait! " the boy held Saeyoung's arm, making her stop. She needs this to be quick, they have a test tomorrow.  " What is it Yeobom? "

" Why can't you give me a chance? I like you. Just say yes, Saeyoung. "

Again, people are surrounding them with camera's and videos on. Saeyoung herself will regret this moment if she didn't take her words carefully with him, and Yeobum getting embarrassed in front of a crowd.

Saeyoung took a deep breathe. " Yeobom, we just met just now and we shouldn't have known each other if you didn't dmed me through Instagram, which was 2 days ago. And now your telling me, you like me when you barely even know me and what I am out of social media? "

Saeyoung and Yeobom met each other in instagram just 2 days before this. Saeyoung was scrolling through her friend's ig stories and posts when Yeobom started following her out of the blue.

A few seconds later, Yeobom sent her a dm which Saeyoung constantly replied, since she did not want to be rude. The two did talk everyday, but actually it was Yeobom who kept bothering her with messages and kept on asking personal questions like for example, where she lives, what school she goes to and etc.

Saeyoung felt annoyed because of how much dms he sent her everyday but here she is, entertaining his questions even though she feels a bit uncomfortable. And when he finally asks her to meet each other in personal, here he is, already confessing his feelings. I mean, what is that?

" But Saeyoung, its love. I somehow feel a spark whenever we just talked through dms. "

" You don't know what love is Yeobom. Even I don't know what it is, but all I know that this is happening too fast and I don't like where this is going, so please stop. I don't want to embarass you in front of tons of strangers. " those were the last words she said before leaving him slightly broken hearted at his spot.

" Seriously Saeyoung. You rejected another guy? That was the 4th one this school year. "

" Yeah. When are you finally saying yes to at least one guy? Considering many boys this year are developing crushes on you. "

Saeyoung rolled her eyes in disbelief at her two friends, Chaeji and Mijin. Ignoring their questions, Saeyoung rested her head at her desk, wanting to take a small nap. This was the second time her friends are complaining about this situation.

" Yah, Saeyoung. What's your secret? " asked Mijin in a teasingly manner as she took a seat right near her friend.

And by ' secret ' Saeyoung already knew what her friends are talking about. " Secret? I'm sorry I have no such thing. I'm just close with some guy friends and that's it, but I only see them as brothers."

" Brothers? Are you sure about that honey? "

Saeyoung nodded. " Yes Chaeji. And if you also wanna know why I'm close with some guys is because girls can be really sneaky and problematic and confusing sometimes. No offence to you two. "

Chaeji and Mijin nodded.

But Saeyoung was wondering inside her head on why too many people are so desperate with love? How can they even love another when they can't even learn to love themselves. Is it because having a boyfriend is a trend these days?

Not meaning to offend but Saeyoung hates it when girls kept imagining and dreaming to have those bad boys they read in wattpad or whatever, to only wake up in reality but still are dreaming awake in finding love like how they imagine it.

Saeyoung wants to understand why.

What does it even feel like?

" Ta-ki do it properly will you? We need to execute this move in order to impress the judges, got that? "

" Yes, Ni-ki."

" Good. Alright, all of you could take a 15 minute break."

The dance team collapsed to the floor, stretching their arms and legs out from all the practice they did. Its about time they take a break, even just for a few minutes.

With Nishimura Riki as team captain of their level's dance team, its pretty hard to catch up and equal this boy's skills. Though, he's not much of a leader but has great potential and experience.

Leaving the practice room for a minute or so, Ni-ki took a good stretch before grabbing his bottled water, proceeding outside to meet Mr. Leechaiyapornkul.

" So how is the dance going on Ni-ki? Is the team ready? "

Not much of a liar, Ni-ki did not hesitate to shook his head. He knew the struggles about the choreography and teamwork his team possesses but he's trying his best to keep them together and work it out, especially now that the competition isn't too far ahead.

" You know the competition starts in 4 weeks time and that is just the start. Many new schools started to open in Seoul, that means the more opponents you have this year. Remember they are just new and we aren't aware of the potential they all have except for your old rivals. Be careful Ni-ki, I know how much you hate losing, especially when it comes to dance. "

For a man who grew up in Thailand but went overseas and lived in Korea to teach dance, Ni-ki was impressed by his language skills and how clear and fine he converses with others. Not only that, whenever he dances, Ni-ki just cannot believe his eyes.

" Will do, Mr. Ten "

Ten gave Ni-ki a small smile, patting his shoulder as a small sign of encouragement. Never once has he doubted Ni-ki when it comes to any category he can think of.  " Cheer up Ni-ki. You'll get through this, just don't overwork yourself alright? "

Returning back inside the practice room, Ni-ki noticed that his team and friends still looked exhausted as ever. Did he push them to harshly? Or was it the choreography that made them like this?

It has been 15 minutes and Ni-ki could still hear some groans from the corners of the room and so does the sound of muscles popping after being stretched out. Did they even exercised properly this morning?

Ni-ki sighed in disbelief seeing that sight. Shaking his water bottle, he noticing it was empty. About to go out and refill his bottle, he was immediately stopped by one of his co-dancers.

" Refill? " gladly taking Ni-ki's bottle, the girl poured in the water she collected for her teammates earlier this morning.

" Thanks Takara. "

" Anything for you, Ni-ki. "

𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 ━━ nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now