chapter forty.

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"You never told me, Akane lives in a mall." her grip tightly holding the box of pizza, Saeyoung stared at the well built villa, her eyes sparkling in amazement with her lips slightly parted. She has never seen a mansion with a simple yet complicated exterior. Just by staring at it, anyone could tell that the design and structure were well thought out by a professional architect. A foreign architect, if she had to be more precise.

"Fun fact, her main estate is located back in Paris. Trust me when I say that all this is nothing once compared to what she has in France. This grand manor you see now, it's just her vacation home here in Korea." Nina ruffled her friend's hair like a child.  The japanese - american female looked back at her first time being invited to Akane's slumber party. Dang, it was one hell of a night. They played and partied like it was the light of their lives and for once, Nina felt a lot more alive than usual. She was a free spirit. 

Ever since she woke up, Nina went on and on about her predictions, actions that are yet to take place - knowing that a certain Nishimura Riki is invited to play in the club, Nina couldn't help but feel the urge of excitement. She is certain that this will turn into a night of ineffable epiphany. All she has to do is make two worlds clash, then the anticipated story will start to flow into it's corresponding direction. "By the way, here's a little reminder once we enter. . ."

"No matter how hard the party goes, don't ever try breaking the smallest treasures displayed inside or you might end up paying a million won?"

Nina rolls her eyes. Although what her friend said is undeniably true, Saeyoung's guess is somewhat far from what she had in mind. "Well yes but technically, that's not the main point. Take note of the number one rule, Once You're In, You Can't Ever Back Out. Never! Crystal Clear?"

"Why did that sound a bit intriguing? I mean, it's just a slumber party right?"

If only she's aware of the risks that's yet to come. For sure she wouldn't like, however it seems to be a different case for Nina. She's been attending Akane's party for three straight years, she's used to all the crazy stuff. It was a night full of endless possibilities after all. "A slumber party yes, but it's not just a slumber party. It's more than that." she gave her friend a small wink and a second later, she saw Akane waiting out at the entrance of her villa, talking to her best friends, Hikari - the school slacker and Umeko - the studious vice president of class IIA.

Once the two girls made their greetings, Hikari escorted them to the backyard and as Saeyoung expected, it was one big oasis. Swimming pools with water slides, Hot Tubs, a Cabana Area, a Side Bar, the party needs are all here. Another surprise is, it wasn't even packed. The number of invitees were smaller than what she had imagined, and guess what, most of the guest were japanese. It made Saeyoung feel like she shouldn't be here at all, though she still is thankful for the invite.

Out of the corner of Nina's eye, she smirked at the sight of the now brown haired boy, having small conversation with Taki and Hiroto Tohyama right near the pool area. "Hey Saeyoung, you took swimming lessons back when you were younger right?" the girl linked arms with her friend as they started to walk near the pool. Saeyoung had no idea what the girl was up to but eventually, she answered her with a nod. Nina clicks her tongue, then rested her head on her friend's shoulder. "Saeyoung, I love you and you know that right? Sometimes even best friends has to undergo trials to see how strong your bond is with each other and also, to deepen right? Because if one chooses to leave without trying, it means that he or she isn't there for you at all, correct?"

Saeyoung sighs. "Get to the point please, you're giving me major trust issues."

They were already six steps away from Ni-ki and his friends yet Saeyoung fails to notice. Taking a halt, Nina gives a depressing sigh. She turns face to face with her friend, pouting. Something tells Saeyoung that she won't like what is to come up next. "Nina, what are you -"

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