chapter three.

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" W-What are you doing here? " Saeyoung stuttered. Not noticing Nishimura Riki's sudden presence, it made her shock now knowing that she wasn't just singing for herself earlier. That performance was supposedly for her and her only.

And from all the people inside the school, it really had to be him.

Still frozen from his spot, Saeyoung did not want to waste time and tried walking out of the music room as fast as she can. Sadly Saeyoung didn't succeed and was blocked by Ni-ki.

The room fell into silence. Being alone with a boy gave in an awkward atmosphere for Saeyoung especially since they just barely even knew each other.

" I like your voice. " he suddenly spoke out.

" What? "

" I said, I like your voice. " he repeated, eyes still staring at Saeyoung, while she avoided her gaze and looked right ahead in another direction. If she were to describe this situation, she'd say it in three words. New. Awkward and definitely Alarming.

" How long were you listening? " asked Saeyoung.

" I listened to the whole thing. I have to say, your good. " Saeyoung gave him a light smile from his compliment, she could tell from the tone of his voice on how honest and straightforward he was.

Ni-ki coughed gaining the female's attention as he stood up straight and distanced himself a bit.  " Sorry, I was being rude. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm─ "

" Nishimura Ri-ki. Captain of our school's dance team. The person on who which people refers to as the coolest when he dances. And also the guy who gave the school a winning streak and remained as the dance champion for five consecutive years on every dance competition. "  she finished.

Ni-ki smirked. "That's definitely true. Are you a fan?"  Saeyoung shooked her head in reply.

" Not much. But let's just say, people talk. "

Being part of the editorial team who writes the school newspaper, there's no doubt that she wouldn't know him and his outstanding achievements that he engraved in our school name. Oh who is she fooling? Everyone in school knows him. Not only inside but outside as well. Sometimes she spot students from different schools traveling for hours just to see him.

" Ni-ki! " the calling of his name echoed through the school halls. One of Ni-ki's teammates were looking for him.

Ni-ki checked his watch and noticed that he was gone for a whole 25 minutes now. And just as he was trying to know more about the girl right beside him, but he knew his team needed him the most.

" What's your name? "  Ni-ki questioned so that he could remember.

" Find it out for yourself. " she said in a challenging way. Saeyoung could feel that this won't be they're last encounter and so why not give in a little challenge to know if the boy is really interested in meeting each other again?

Ni-ki shot his left eyebrow up and leaned on the wall with his arms cross staring at the girl. Earlier she looked so shy and uncomfortable, now here she is being so confident and challenging. He somehow finds her interesting.

" And what's my reward? "  Ni-ki believes that a challenge mostly comes with its reward. Since he just met this girl, the treasure should be something worthwhile or at least something that would help him.

" Well what do you want? "

With that question being said, Ni-ki's tongue suddenly clicked.  " You will sing. "

" Excuse me? "

" In exchange, I want you to sing for me whenever I want you too. "

" From all the amazing singers we have in our school, why does it have to be me─ "  trying her best to file her complaint and let him decide on another reward. She just doesn't want to sing but it looks like Ni-ki's decision are already clear to him.

" I choose you to sing. You and no one else. I find out your name in one week and if I succeed, you will sing for me whenever I'd want you to. Okay? Bye. "

Saeyoung was left alone dumbfounded. She can't believe it. Ni-ki, just asked her to sing for him─well only if he completed the task. So that means she has to stay on a low profile for one week.

Goodluck to Roh Saeyoung.

" Your a flirt! " said Chaeji who threw her handkerchief to Saeyoung's face.

"He just talked to me and now you're telling me that I'm a flirt?" Saeyoung snorted, as she grabbed the handkerchief and threw it back to Chaeji.

" But seriously! It's Nishimura Riki! You know how rare it is for him to talk and be comfortable with people other than his friends and of course, the dance team. "

That. Saeyoung wasn't pretty much aware of that. But it's just their first encounter, so how could she say that he's already comfortable with her? They just met today, and just today.

But from the looks of it, Ni-ki doesn't seem to be the social type at all─well, just from the looks of it. He seemed to be that lone cold wolf who just hangs around with his pack. The pack who he obviously belongs in, and that's definitely the dance team. And maybe some of his fellow japanese natives.

"Well I don't know about him or you two but all I want is to finish my food before it gets cold." about to take a bite on her lunch, she stopped at the thought of the task she and Ni-ki agreed to earlier.

"One more thing. Don't ever mention my name in front of Nishimura Riki, got that?"

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