chapter thirteen.

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Slowly, noon approaches. The competition grew a lot more intense than it already is, Team Adroit felt unfazed by their new competitors as well as the old ones. The fiery atmosphere was nothing to Adroit's dancers, for them the competition lacked a bit of excitement.

Takara sighed and went to her fellow teammate, Miihi. "Miihi, have you seen Ni-ki? I haven't seen him around for a while." she asked concerned. In occasions like this, it was very rare for Ni-ki to disappear without a word.

Miihi took a quick glance at her surroundings. "I'm sorry Takara but no, I haven't."

Takara nodded in disappointment. "Okay then. Just help me find him will you? We all have to eat lunch and prepare for our next number."

"Noted." Miihi patted her friend's back for some encouragement. "Don't worry Takara. For sure Ni-ki's just around the corner." she offered Takara a small smile before going to Ta-ki and asking him for his assistance.

It has already been a few hours since Ni-ki has gone away from his team and Takara couldn't help but wonder on where he was. From all of the members of the dance team, it was always Takara who would usually know about Ni-ki's whereabouts, but right now she felt clueless.

It felt like she was playing hide and go seek without the hider informing her that they are playing. It made the situation a lot more worse than it already is, and it seems hard as well. If something bad happened to her dear captain, she won't forgive herself.

Noticing Jungwon's sudden approach, Takara straightened up, wishing that the boy has found him. All she wanted is to know on where Ni-ki is, and if he's okay.

"Have you seen him yet, Jungwon oppa? Because, I have a bad feeling about this."  Takara doesn't know why  but she felt something was going on and that she won't like it.

Jungwon catched his breathe.  "Sadly no. I already asked students from different schools but no, they haven't seen him anywhere."

Takara groaned in frustration. She took a seat, massaging her temples. She wanted to calm down but no, she couldn't. The boy she cares about is somewhere out there, not knowing what kind of situation he has entered in.

Jungwon has tried calling his dongsaeng but bad news, Ni-ki has accidentally left his phone on his bag so contacting him was meaningless. Knowing Ni-ki, Jungwon is sure that Ni-ki is doing fine since he thinks very maturely and that he could be settling something on his own, but then again he's still a child.

Looking out for Ni-ki was always, Jungwon's duty.

"Look, Takara. I'm sure Ni-ki is doing fine. He knows what he's doing and we might never know that he has something to settle on his own."  Jungwon tried to cheer the girl up, but it wasn't a good enough explanation for Takara.   "If you want, I'll try checking this place more thoroughly than last time. While you can go check at some nearby spots outside to see if Ni-ki might be somewhere near, alright?"

Takara nodded, getting herself to stand up, she tried to look at a more brighter side.

It has been 30 minutes since Takara and her teammates has gone looking for their captain. Takara has checked and visited almost every single shop right near the vicinity. She had also asked some passers-by to see if they have seen the boy, but frankly all they're answers was a nothing but a no making the hunt more difficult.

As for Jungwon, he has checked every corner of the dome to see if there are any signs of Ni-ki. He has been gone for awhile now and he, himself started getting worried as well. Jungwon wanted to call his hyungs but he did not want to make them worried since they are still at school by this time.

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