35)Sanskar:It's You Happened!

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Let's begin.....

Abhay:what's so urgent man?we all have planned to hangout today.
Sanskar:umm..not possible actually I have to go along with the family today since bhaiyya would be joining in middle and I have to take the family.
Akashi:where are you going?
Sanskar:bhaai ka rishta And all..I have told that I won't go,he is often rejecting the proposals.and I feel so unsecured of we go and eat snacks and he rejects!

I was just looking at then where in between the talks I know I was watching him for past few minutes,it might even make him feel comfortable but I was helpless no matter how much I control myself I was falling more and more for him.though now I was been in the group but I was still not his close friend where he would talk freely with me.
In between his conversation too he was flashing a casual smile at me.

Nakul:it's okay you go.
Abhay:we will forward the plan for some other day.
Nakul:why we can go today..with Sanky some other day.
Sanskar:yeah Nakul is right!
Akashi:this Rishi and Palak have got so busy after the proposal..
Abhay:Don't worry soon I will propose you then we will also get busy.
Akashi hits his head with her bag:idiot even if you are the only guy left in the whole world I would happily kill you rather accepting your proposal!
Sanskar:okay stop fighting..and I am leaving!
He moves:Nakul look after them before it turns out to Cold War!
Nakul:of course we are not willing to die,isn't it Nayan?
I just smiled:yeah
Sanskar:Bye Nayan!
He goes.

I sat holding my book.
When Palak and Rishi joined us passing us the coke.
Akashi sat beside me.while other 4 were busy talking.
Akashi:days are passing madam when are you planning to express?
I looked at her confused as well nervous:What?
Akashi:Don't act as if you don't know!
I pretended of confused still.
Akashi:you like Sanskar right?
I don't know how I would react,I was caught now!
Akashi:Nayan I know you like him and I think he too..
I looked at her,Sanskar likes me?
I further dragged her away and agreed to it.and where Akashi told me of how Sanskar speaks about me and praise.which according to Akashi,he never did before.
What will I do further?should I tell him that I have feelings for him or not.or should I wait for right time or would it be too late?


*Knock knock*

Ragini quickly closed the diary puts it inside the drawer.Sanskar was habitual of knocking the door when she is inside the room.he never forgets to give her the privacy.
He pushed the door and found her approaching.
He smiled:Ragini..I told you many times not to interrupt your sleep when I am working late.why do you wait for me?
Ragini smiles a bit,reading half of the diary really let her know how much Nayantara loved him.though it's the past but it's fresh for her,now she even don't know if Sanskar loved her back or not.but a woman always have this kind of heartbreak when they find there was someone who loved their husband.......may be more than they did!

Sanskar:are you okay?
She nods:I will get the dinner ready.you get fresh..
She moves passing by him when he held arm and pulls her making her to face him:What I asked and what you are replying with?
Ragini smiles:I am fine,it was just...
Sanskar:it was just what???
Ragini:aise hi..you are just worrying for nothing!
She frees his hand from him:I will arrange the dinner!
She took some steps till door.

He just looks on at her.he was not convinced at all.
She stops and she moves back to him.and without saying anything she hugs him.he was surprised for a moment and he smiled and hugged her in return literally caressing her hair.


She looks at him who was serving food for her:I am watching you from past few days you are not having your food properly you are been so careless regarding yourself.that's not done!
Ragini was all silent since she was lost in her deep thoughts!
Sanskar:why are you silent?only I have the copyright to speak?
He then keeps on looking at her,since she didn't reply him:what's wrong with you?

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