23)Did they choose Anish over Sanskar?

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Let's begin......

Ragini enters inside the home along with siya and soha.
It was was evening 6.and the kids were still in school uniform.
She had come back home after meeting anish at the cafe.
Obviously the meeting was more of deal...


Anish was sitting in the cafe.
And Ragini enters there and spots him.
And the kids move along with her.
He smiles at her.
He smiles at kids:How are these munchkins?
Kids just smile at him.
Anish:well i have something for you.
He calls the waiter who gets the ice creams.
Siya soha looks at Ragini, if she accepts it or not.
Ragini smiles:have it!
And they smiles and sits.
And eats the ice cream.
And then he gives a bag to them.
Siya: what's in this?
Anish: barbie dolls.
While they grins.
Soha:first we wanted one doll chaachu got 24 different barbie dolls!
Anish smiles:now it's 26!
And they nods with a broad smile!

Anish:but you didn't tell me your names yet!
Siya:You also didn't tell your name yet.
Anish smiles:sorry my mistake. I am Anish. You can call me anything!
They smiles.
Soha:will think and tell you.and i am Soha and she is siya!
Anish:okay Soha Siya!

He looks at Ragini:So how's everyone?
Ragini:all are good.you say.
He nods:same!
Ragini: it's been long time i didn't see you!
Anish smiles:you know how i have become when i lost preethi!
Ragini nods.
They have the coffee

Once the kids complete with the ice cream.
They insist of moving to near by park which small distance of few steps.

And they walks to park where kids goes to play and they sits on the near by seat.
Anish:you might know of why i have come...to be frank i cannot forget Preethi.and i have dedicated my life for her and her memories!
Ragini looks at him.
Anish:and you know maa.she was forcing me.so I didn't get anything then this!
Anish looks at her:the thing is i felt that at least i could be the good father to your kids and of course we can stay friends for the rest of the life!
Ragini smiles a bit and nods.
Anish:sometimes i just forget myself in the work, actually it's a part of a reason that i am giving myself to not breakdown in the memories of her.but i assure you that if we end up together i will give my best to be Siya Soha's father.this is my Promise!
He looks at the kids playing.
Ragini: that's enough for me!
Anish smiles:and i also got to know that you are in plans of moving to Bangalore!
Ragini:it was that i wanted to move far away.i am tired of everything happening with me and...
Anish:i understand you.i want to give myself with the kids.how much i will know them it would be good!
Ragini nods.
Anish:and they also should accept me.and Ragini you can continue with anything you want.if you want to run a hotel or wanna do some job,i will support you.you won't have any kind of problem with me.you are independent to do anything even if we get married!
Ragini smiles and nods.
Anish:still you can think and tell me because i can only be your friend in this relationship!
Ragini:no need to think at all Anish.i know you,you have been best friend earlier too and what can be more comfortable than this?in fact i am really happy to this fact at least my kids would not be called or treated as a fatherless child!
She smiles,imagining of her kid's questions regarding their father make her heart pain.he eyes just literally welled up while he moves to kids and plays with him.

Flashback ends..

Ragini stopped her steps as Sanskar was standing in front.
Kids show him the doll.
Soha:You know we met a handsome uncle and he gave us this!
Sanskar smiles: it's beautiful.
Siya:but we have the same one with us.this is the old model which you got for us long back!
Ragini moves inside avoiding him.
He smiles:so you can play with pairs now!
And he looks at the way she went.


At night..

Ragini was sitting in the room.
It was raining heavily.and she made the kids sleep.
And she was sitting with the diary in her hand.it was quite few days that she didn't write a micro tales!
And she picks the pen to write it when power cuts!
Ragini looks around.there was invertor in the home.and without the dim light soha won't sleep.
In this she forgot where she placed her phone.she tries to find it and she gets the candle in drawer and moves out slowly to get the match box.

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