60)Ragini: Sanskar...i am pregnant!

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Let's begin.....

"Happy birthday to you"
Everyone are singing wishing them,as Siya Soha have turned 11 years old.
They cut the cake together and they made Sanskar have the first byte.
Ragini:what is this I am always 2nd?
Sanskar smiles:Jealous mumma!

Siya:where is my gift?
Soha:my gift!
Sanskar acts of thinking :in your room!
And they quickly runs.
Surbhi:and we all are waiting here.nobody values us!
Ragini:I know right!

Siya sees a big box in her name and she opens it to find brand new cricket kit.as she is trying for under 14 girls cricket!
She shouts in happiness!
Soha looks around:where is mine?
Siya:Soha ..looks my new helmet!
Soha being annoyed:I am asking where is mine?
Siya:look properly..
Soha:I can't see it!
And opens the wardrobe.
Siya finds another gift on her name.
Soha was irritated:where is mine?
Siya:I think daddy found it unnecessary..
She laughs.
Soha:this is so wrong..
She sits crying.
While Siya opens her another gift to find beautiful doll!
Sanskar stood at the door:Where's soha's gift?
Soha:I don't know I searched all the room..I think you forgot me!
Sanskar:no I don't think so you have searched all the places.
And she quickly runs to the wardrobe again and found a box which had her favorite headphones and the watch she asked for it few days back which Ragini had refused!
Soha hugs him:The best daddy in the world!
While Siya was wearing glouse and trying shots with bat!
Sanskar:Come on now or else.your mumma will kill me!

They move out to find the guests eating food and some have left too.
Ragini:over?come down tomorrow only!
While the trio:we were thinking about it!
She moves.
While they hi five because now their hobby was to irritate Ragini always!

Siya Soha we're discussing about all their gifts which they got today!
And Ragini looks at them:did you guys see my gifts for you?
Soha:but not better then daddy!
Ragini:daddy ki chamchi!
Soha:I have no regrets listening it!
Ragini just nods acting to be annoyed!
Siya:but where is daddy?

Sanskar was standing on the bridge where he usually met Nakul.
It's been 11 years of Nakul's suicide too. The regret of his life,if he was bit careful and realised Nakul's condition,may be he would have been alive today!
Sanskar:I miss you ..Nakul!
And a priest comes there:pooja is Completed!
Sanskar smiles and nods and he gives him  an envelope and moves.

After sometime he goes back to to home.he moved to Siya Soha room where they were sleeping already.and He walked when Jaya stopped him:Sanskar where were you?
Sanskar smiles:just out for a walk!
Jaya nods:Surbhi's wedding is nearing so I was thinking to go for shopping tomorrow!
Sanskar:as you wish mom!
He smiles and moves inside his room to see Ragini looking outside the window.

Ragini turns to him.she was really scared.for five 5 years she had controlled pregnancy with the artificial method and she used to take pregnancy control pills but she stopped it from a 2months and she also missed with her period and also didn't even thought to have a test.something really stopped her.
Sanskar smacked his finger in front of her:where are you lost?

Sanskar:party went well credit goes to you.
She was looking down.
Sanskar:between mom was saying to start with wedding shopping.don't keep anything till the last moment get the shopping done soon.in fact tomorrow let's complete with the outfit shopping.and I was thinking to set a budget,what do..
His words literally stopped seeing her lost:Ragini are you even listening what I am saying?
Sanskar:say what?
She looks on as she didn't pay attention!
Sanskar smiles:kya hua?
Ragini :I am tired!
Sanskar:then take rest!
Ragini moves and lays on the bed.
Sanskar:I don't know how time passes!
Ragini smiles and looks at him:Sanskar...Tomorrow after shopping can I go to home.dad was calling me!
Sanskar:Okay Go..But I don't think so Siya Soha will come with you!
Ragini:that I know..
Sanskar:if you stay here you will do this and that work,good that you will get some rest!
Ragini smiles.
She looks at him.
Sanskar:am I missing out sometime?
She didn't reply for a moment and smiles:what are you missing?
Sanskar smiles:kuch nahi..sleep well!
He turns off the light!

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