59)something deep!

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Let's begin.....

Ragini entangles her fingers with Sanskar when reach the top of the hill.with the cool air hitting then strongly.
Sanskar smiles.
As they were really tired since it took 3 days for them to reach the top.

And they sit there resting.
When the students team reach there relaxing there.

Karan:you guys were fast then us!
Sanskar:May be we had the better partner.
Karan:so true..I also had a partner for the whole day I had to take sarcasms!
And they laughs.
Luv:you told about me.karan?
And he laughs.
They relax for sometime.

As many start to play a game between best friends.
While Ragini and Sanskar looks at them.

Luv:how about we take a test of this couple too..
Karan:Yeah..it would be more fun!
Luv:like the way you know the rules but still would like to repeat for you since you guys are playing for the first time!
Karan:like the way..my buddy would ask you guys a question and you have to answer the right and if it's wrong...then you can punish your partner with this paint..drawing it on their face.
Both RagSan looks at each other:okay.

Luv looks at the question :I will not take risks asking birthday etc and all..because that you will know.
Luv smiles:first question..Ragini it is for you.name his few female friends name!
Sanskar laughs:this was your tough question..
Luv:it's for her not for you..
Ragini:I will say I will say...Akashi, Maithri,Lilly,Palak and Nayan.
Sanskar looks at her.
Luv curves his lip down:great..is it right?
Ragini:wait and myself!
Sanskar looks at him:Right!
Ragini:but the pain will be wasted.
She painted on Luv's face.
Luv:why me?
Ragini:small change in rule if we are right.you will be painted.
Luv pouts:okay Sanskar.name her male friends..
Sanskar looks at Ragini.because she rarely had a friend and he smiles:Me!!
Luv audible to Ragini:say it's wrong.
Ragini:unfortunately it's right Luv!
Sanskar smiles:so I have to paint you.
Luv:no this is cheating!
Sanskar paints on his face.

Luv:okay Sanskar...What Ragini does in free time?
Sanskar:very simple ..she writes Microtales!
Ragini:absolutely right!
Luv cries fake.
Sanskar puts many colour of paint on Luv's face.
Luv:and what Sanskar's hobby?
Ragini thinks as she don't know.she thinks for sometime.
Luv:finally someone will lose!
Sanskar pass her a look.
Ragini:sports..he would play cricket in his free time.and also plan for some sudden trips like this..
Sanskar smiles:right!
Luv places the card there and he himself takes the paint and applies it.
While all laughs.


Sanskar looks at Ragini.who was holding a book but her concentration were not that!
Sanskar:what you are thinking?
Ragini looks at him:I am missing Siya Soha!
Sanskar:I know..next time we will plan with them..
Ragini:for trekking?
Sanskar looks her:that's after few years let them go along with their partners!
Ragini:that's too long!
Sanskar:you will not know how time flies!
Ragini curves her lips down:that's true my little babies will turn 6 soon!
Sanskar:what always my little babies always self obsession!
Ragini:our fine?
He just nods and turns his face.
She pokes him:for such a small matter?okay daddy possessive I will make sure it won't repeat!
Sanskar smiles:then okay you are forgiven!
Ragini:Don't you think in future there should be an addition in our small family!
He looks at her and moves close to her.
Ragini quickly move back and sits with some space and being embraced she just acts of combing her hair in her hand:I didn't mean now!
Sanskar laughs.

He pulls her near to him:no...I don't think an addition in our little family is necessary!
She looks at him while he was looking at the stars.
He smiles a bit:we have 2 little daughters and I think they are enough for us!
Ragini did not say anything.
Sanskar:you understand it more than me!
Sanskar:but what?
She don't know how would she explain him that she want a kid.she wanted to feel those major missing moments in her life.he is right too.but a part of her was upset!
Ragini: I will make the bed.am so sleepy!
Sanskar smiles:okay..
He slides feed in his mobile.
She stood and moved where a tears skipped from her eyes unknown to her but she wipes it off quickly and smiles calming herself!

While on the other side Suhaan was sitting inside the 4 walls of the jail.regretting over his past deeds.
If he had realised the importance of family may be today would have been a different day.even if he was in loads of troubles his family would have been beside him no matter what.wish he could turn back the things.wish he could go back to the time and fix everything.he would have been not a lonely person today.he can't wish to go out since the creditors would kill him.
He had conveyed a wish to meet his wife and daughters once.hopefully his mother would consider it!

Soon after 3 days RagSan were back home.
Ragini:what will you have for dinner?
Ragini:what is this anything?
Sanskar looks at her with a small smile.
Ragini:Don't say anything and all..I cannot tolerate such confusion!
Sanskar:then Maggie..

And in sometime she gets the big bowl of Maggie.when someone rings the bell.
Sanskar opens the door and sees maithri and Anish was parking the car.
Maithri:it felt so many days..you grown old!
Sanskar acts annoyed:why are you here at this time?i know just to ruin my mood!
Maithri:who are you that I should waste my time ruining your so called mood?
Sanskar:don't forget because of me Anish is in your life!
Maithri:Don't forget because of me Ragini is in your life!
She folds her on to her chest!
He huffs:Anish..
Anish looks at him.
Sanskar:why did you get her here man?you should have come alone!
Maithri moves in.

Sanskar smiles:how is everything?
Sanskar:I know..come in!

Ragini:Maithri..it's suffocating!
As maithri is hugging her for sometime.
She frees her.
Ragini takes a breath.
Sanskar:you just plan to kill me or my wife!
Maithri:I do not wanna listen you!
Anish:now don't start fighting!
Both pass him a strong look!
Ragini:let's eat Maggie!
They get busy serving Maggie to themselves while Anish signs Thankyou to Ragini.She smiles!


"Maa..once I want to meet Ragini and my daughters.please it's my one last wish"
When he pleaded her she thought taking siya soha to meet him without letting Ragini and Sanskar know about it.but was she right?
She could not betray Ragini and Sanskar with this...suhaan cannot be trusted anymore,he can do anything for his benefits!

Jaya was sitting at a temple where made a Pooja for her family's togetherness and safety.
It's been 9 days that she met suhaan in jail.
Where he requested and pleaded her.Since Sanskar informed her that suhaan's creditors will kill him if they find him and she decided to send him into jail rather than letting him die.

It was the moment when Sanskar informed Jaya about his promotion after some months he started with good job in California.
But her mind was occupied with the thoughts when she saw Ragini being working so hard to raise the family with her infants.
Sanskar was expressing the gratitude regarding Ragini's help which he couldn't express initially.
Jaya without a thought:Sanskar..accept Ragini,Siya and Soha in your life!
He was silent with her sudden sentence.
Jaya cried:Sanskar say...that you will marry her and be her better partner!

His life had changed totally with Nakul's death,nayan misunderstanding him,his friends leaving him in a mid way.Yes,he liked Ragini so much but with time his priorities changed with the relations.and thousands of things occurred in between!

But this moment he left them all:Maa...I wanted to tell you a truth....
He told her everything which was buried inside his heart.from liking Ragini to accepting the reality Ragini being suhaan's wife then moving on living a new life and those disasters.he told her everything.

Jaya was all silent :why didn't you tell me all this before itself?
Sanskar:I..I don't know maa...
Jaya:now say that once you return back will you marry Ragini?
Sanskar:I...I will!!!
This is what he could manage to say.
While Jaya smiles through tears.

Jaya wipes off the tears and turned to siya soha who were eating ice cream.
Jaya:how can i unsee the peace and happiness of my kids to that Suhaan!!!

To be continued....

So how's it?

Happy belated birthday lucky_lakshmi

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