63)Ragini reveals the truth!

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Let's begin........

Ragini was smiling watching Surbhi and onir taking rounds.
Sanskar stood beside her.
Ragini:they look so beautiful together?
Sanskar:like us!
Ragini pass him a look.
Sanskar:I just told the fact why are you passing me that look!
She smiles:that would be creepy as self-praising!
Sanskar: self praising isn't creepy. In fact self praising is self motivating!
Ragini joins her palms:sorry sir I give up!
He smiles victoriously.

Once the function was over and after Surbhi's bidaai.everyone were sitting silently as they started to miss her already.and they just started to talk about the memories related to Surbhi.

Siya walks to the room as no one noticed her.she holds a ball bouncing it.
Today when she watched Surbhi's marriage.The thought arises in her Sanskar got married to Ragini when she and Soha were 5.all the thing she could remember was that Sanskar telling them that their Real Dad was far away that he can't come back then why there's no photographs.why they are not told that if he is alive or not?why there's no memories related to them!
She missed holding the ball which was bouncing.
Ragini:Siya..change the dress and sleep early!
Siya:Yes Mumma!

While Soha was showing pictures she clicked today to Sanskar.
Sanskar:wow..that's amazing looks professional!
Soha:Daddy,why is Siya Sad?
Sanskar:not only Siya ..but everyone of us are sad since bua went leaving all of us!
Soha:I know my twin!
He left out a breath:in that case.let's wait till morning and if she doesn't express let's ask her!
Soha:between I thought names for my brother.
Sanskar:and what are the names?
Sanskar:hmm..nice name,but still there's a lot of time for the baby to come.who knows if it's a girl!
Soha:it's a brother,sister's are not cool see Siya only!
Sanskar:why she is not cool?
Soha:I mean she is...but now I want a brother!
He nods her for the reasons:I know everything okay.what,when and why?i know every vein of my daughters that what's going on your mind!
Soha:typical dad..between daddy I never knew you were a neuroscientist!
Sanskar playfully raise his hand and she runs.
She runs on the stairs.
He laughs nodding his head:neuroscientist!

He sees Sameer who smiling seeing his phone:Arey wah mere bhaai ke chehre pe muskaan!
Sameer looks at him stretching his lip:every smile doesn't mean texting to a girl bro!
Sanskar smiles:when did I say you were texting a girl?
Sameer:But you were supposed to ask the same right.i thought why to waste the time?
He forwards his phone:see check it!
Beeji who was drinking water:Sanskar ..you should also ask reasonable things.tumhe lagta hai iski magarmach jaise shakal ko dekh ke bhi koi ladki phasegi?
Sanskar bursts into laughter:Point..
Sameer:I just keep myself away from such stuffs okay?
And they laughs more.
Sameer:ladkiyon ki kami nahi hai!
They even laugh more.
Ragini was watching this and smiles:Sameer,it's better no unlike someone who was a bus stand Romeo.
Sanskar stops laughing.
Sameer looks at both and points to Sanskar:bus stand Romeo?
Sanskar:No,what are you saying I don't know!
Sameer laughs:bus stand Romeo!

While here Jaya was sitting inside the room.
She got the letter from jail that Suhaan will be released from jail.
Her peace was wiped off from the time she saw that.he would again create troubles for Ragini.but how would she stop him from doing that?
Suhaan was that thorn stuck in her throat that she can't swallow neither she can take it back.

Sanskar enters the room:Mom everyone in the home are taking me for granted I am telling you..
He was even smiling but it did not last longer when he found her crying.
Sanskar:maa..?missing Surbhi?
Jaya just simply smiles through tears and wipes her tears:what were you saying?
Sanskar smiles:nothing important..Maa..
He holds her hand:these tears..are these for Surbhi or for Suhaan who would be released soon?
Jaya cries:What will you do Sanskar?if Siya Soha..
Sanskar:Nothing will happen Maa!
While Siya was standing there outside

After some days..

Sanskar was serving food for Ragini.who had a small baby bump!
Ragini:I can't eat all this?
Sanskar:didn't you listen what doctor told?you have turned weak and you should eat good amount of food!
Soha was sitting there doing her home work:Mumma you have actually turned weak!
And Siya enters with her cricket kit.
Sanskar smiles:Siya come quickly.i know you are tired and your mumma knew that today you wanted to eat burger..
Siya directly goes to room confusing everyone.
With passing days Siya was distancing with everyone except Ragini.Sanskar was noticing it but did not say anything!
Sameer:today siya got a punishment in ground she was late for an hour.and this is not the first time but from past one week she is doing this?her coach had a huge complaint list!
Soha:even in the class..she is always out of concentration.she was scolded by the teacher for several times.she always stays silent she doesn't even answer anything!
Sanskar stretch his lips:don't worry I will ask her!


Sanskar sits beside Siya.
Sanskar:what happened?
Siya wipes her tears:I want to be alone!
Sanskar:the one who wants to be alone needs someone the most.don't worry I won't disturb you.
She stood and moved on the other side and sits.in sometime she walks and also takes out her frustration stamping her foot.she spoil the bed sheet throwing away the pillows!
He just simply watched her.

Sometime passed..
She have turned the whole room into mess.

She cries:Daddy..
He was already looking at her:you know it's been 9 days that you stopped calling me daddy!
She cries and sobs.
Sanskar:you did not speak to me properly.i also thought my siya will not hide anything from me!
Siya:Are you my step daddy?
Seeing her crying he controlled his emotion and maintained small smile on his face!

Sanskar:You know that,don't you?
Siya:I have done so many mess and you are not angry with me!
He nods in no.
Siya:where is my daddy then?
Sanskar looks at her.
Siya:where is he?
She moved back when he came near her:I am not your daughter!
Sanskar:you are my daughter!
Siya:I am not...
Sanskar:but you are my daughter nobody can change the truth now.okay?
She cries and moves out pushing him away who was about to hold her shoulder.

She moves out of the home.
While everyone looks confused.
Sanskar:Siya wait listen to me!
While she just runs out.

And she just runs between the roads and she did not notice the car and it hit her.
Sanskar shouts:Siya!

While it did not hurt her much she was hit ground and her right leg ankle were bleeding.she was wincing and crying.
Sanskar immediately rushed to her.
And looks at her wounds.

Later at the hospital..

Doctor:her leg is fractured.
Siya looks at the doctor.
Sanskar:till when the plasters...
Doctor interrupts:8 weeks!
He nods.while doctor goes.
Siya cries.

Sanskar pulls the chair and sits:Siya it's okay..
Siya:my selection for the state team?
Sanskar:you will do it again!
Siya cries:I will not..
Siya:I hurt you that's why God punished me!
Sanskar:you did not hurt me!

Sanskar:let's clear the problem now..
Siya looks at her:next year with double hard work we will do it again.okay?
Siya looks at her:an year?
Sanskar:think that this year was not yours but next year is...
Siya nods. 

Siya:then where is my daddy?
He looks at her.he did not had an answer.
Ragini who was standing near the door:he left us when you are really small,we were no less than a thrash to him?
Siya looks at her.
Soha was standing along with her.

To be continued.....

So how's it?

Limited episodes are left,anything you want in this story before the end!

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