61)Daddy and The baby!

978 111 28

Let's begin...

Sanskar just looks at Siya Soha who were playing in fun city.
He just walked around as his mind was occupied with Ragini's "I am pregnant" words.

Sanskar rubbed his face not understanding what awaits?he never thought they should have a kid.no way he want Siya Soha to grow with insecurities.he just told her that he will talk to her later.

While on the other side Ragini was all silent.
She just kept reading a book forcefully concentrating over it so she avoids all the other thing.

Next day...

Sanskar reached office and his eyes falls on Ragini who was working in front of the computer,in her cabin.its been 5 years that she joined his office. It was her off but still she came.more probably he didn't answer anything and avoided her for the whole day!

He moves to the cabin when Ragini looks at him.she definitely wanted to talk to him,but not directly.she want him to talk first.and the other reason was she needed a distraction,at this time only her pending works in office can help!

Someone knocks and he sees an employee from the department Ragini worked and he placed a file asking for signature:Ragini mam have corrected the file and she asked for your signature once after you go through it!
Sanskar just nods as every time she would herself come,she would only go after he goes through it!

And the day passed and she packed her stuff and walked out.
Before sanskar could stop her,she takes a taxi and goes from there.
Sanskar dials her number.
She sees his caller id.she disconnects the call!
Sanskar sits inside the car and dialed her number again and again and she disconnected the call again and again!

And both reached home at same time.
He honked as the taxi was standing at the gate.
She paid her fair and walked.
She moved at side but he still pressed horn for a long time irritating her!

She stepped inside home.
He came out of the car and she turned and threw an empty water bottle aiming him and she moved inside angrily.
While he smiled catching the bottle.

She greets beeji and Jaya and she walked inside her room.
Beeji stops sanskar:ae..come here..
He sits beside her while Jaya was cleaning veggies.
Beeji:you both came separately!
Beeji:did you say something to her!
Sanskar:I did not say anything that's why!
Beeji hits him:budiya ke saath mazzak kar raha hai!
Sanskar:beeji I am tired.let me rest for some minutes!
He moves from there not before pulling her cheeks.

Beeji:jaya did you see..am sure Sanskar hurt my Ragini!
Jaya smiles:let's not involve,they would be fine in next minute if someone would be bad then the person who would try to involve.so better to keep silent!
Surbhi:you did not think about me this much if you had..then dahej mein aapko sasural le jati beeji!
She and Jaya laughs.
Beeji:as if really?

While Ragini picked her dress and moved to washroom passing by Sanskar.
Sanskar stretches his lips and sits on the bed drinking water.

After sometime..
Ragini was tying siya's hair and Sanskar was reading Tinkle book with soha.
Siya:mumma are you angry with daddy?
Sanskar looks at Ragini.
While Ragini:who I am to get angry with your daddy?its all you 3 in the world.i am just non existing!
Sanskar laughed,trio looks at him.
Sanskar:Soha..look at this joke!
Sanskar:look carefully!

Siya:weather had a cyclone or just a heavy wind?poor daddy!
Ragini:go go sit with him only.
Sanskar looks at her.
Siya:between bye bye we are going with bua as she is going for some shopping with chaachu and dadi!
They move out.

Sanskar:what was that?
Ragini:as if you don't know!
Sanskar left out a breath:I really wanted to speak to you but you are not in a mood!
Ragini:I am not in a mood?sanskar you are the person who avoided me.i don't want to make myself begging to you of something..

Sanskar:I needed time.we had decided of...
Ragini:okay sanskar you decided but it's been 6 years you still wanna say the same?
Sanskar didn't reply for a moment:you don't understand me!
Ragini:I understand you Sanskar..but do you understand me?siya soha are grown up now they would gradually understand!
Sanskar scratched his forehead:I fear...so I just don't want this baby to come into this world
He looks at her.

Ragini:Sanskar what do you mean...?do you wanna kill this life?it's okay if you don't want to accept this baby but being a mother I would give birth and look after.i would not bother you for anything.i have looked after siya soha before and I will even look after this baby too...it's a request...Don't speak about this anymore.already speaking this you have literally stabbed me!
Sanskar looks on.
She moves out.
While he just sits when he saw her medical file and he opened it.
He really wanted to be happy,cherish all these moment but he can't. Yes he shouldn't have said in such a way but what to do,he was really blank...because he was thinking about the future,the fear he can't express in simple words!

She would go away if he tried to approach her.

Later at night..

Beeji:They would come back having food since they would be late.
Ragini:Haan beeji..Maa told me already!
She gives the plate of food to her.
Beeji:call Sanskar too..
Ragini just nods.
When he comes there.
She serves food for him and placed it on table and moved inside kitchen.

Beeji looks at Sanskar:I knew you hurt her!
Sanskar stretched his lips and sits on dining!
Ragini comes out of kitchen and was about to move to room.
Beeji:Ragini..won't you have dinner?
Sanskar looks at her.
Ragini:beeji..bhook marr gayi hai ..
She moves to room!
He just left the spoon which he just picked.
He covered the food and followed her to the room.

Ragini laid on the bed covering comfort.
When Sanskar reach near the door step:you are angry with me right,then take out on me.why are you staying hungry that too at this condition.its really not good for you?
Ragini:it would be not good for me at this condition.you should feel happy!

He left out a breath:okay I am sorry!
Ragini just nods her head in disbelief and turns the lights off and sleeps.

Just in some minutes she sees the lights on!
And she sees Sanskar with the plate of food.
And she turns other side:please don't waste your time and also let me sleep!
He pulled her making her sit.

He forwards her a morsel.and she turns her head.
He just stayed in same position holding a morsel.
She turns to him:what?
He shrugged his shoulder stretching his lips:Don't take my anger on your food!
Ragini:Then how can I take my anger on you?
And he puts a morsel on her mouth.
She hits him with a pillow!

Sanskar:I am sorry!
She looks at him.
Sanskar:I should not have said in that way but try to understand my point of view...
Ragini takes plate from him:you want me to eat right..I will but I don't want to talk to you..
He tried to say something.
But she just passed him a look.
He moves out but leaned on to the wall.
While she eats the dinner.

Like this days passed Ragini avoided Sanskar. He tried many ways to bring back their relation to the normal phase but she was not forgiving him for his words.he never stopped caring for her and he was doubly sure now regarding Ragini's health.and she just spoke only the necessary stuff!

Ragini was sleeping.
And he kneeled near her.
Sanskar placed his hand on her stomach making sure he doesn't disturb her sleep.
Sanskar himself:I am sorry baby.daddy never want to tell in such a way.i was not prepared for you that's why it happened.i am sorry. Daddy is the one who is wrong here. Please forgive me,I was really confused what should I do?because the threats in our life didn't end, daddy was scared that you may be left behind from what you deserve!
He just pressed edge of his eyes preventing the tears from dropping down.
Sanskar smiles:Now it's just the Daddy and the baby time so that I can convince you to give me one last chance. So I ask sincerely and rightfully can you give one chance to me to rectify my mistakes? Please?(after a pause)I want to be the better father.Now i promise that I will overcome my fear.and you know what I have literally became fearless facing your mumma's anger daily.. these days.and I am sure when you will come into this world I would turn myself in to  better person.you would be the beautiful addition in our family.am sure you will be pampered a lot by your sisters!
He smiles

To be continued.....

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