11)Jaya's Outburst

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Let's begin......

Suhaan:i am sorry for everything maa. Can't i get one chance to rectify my mistake.
And he turns to the door where he found Ragini along with kids.
He smiles through tears:Ragini.
He stood and smiles :My kids.

This was the most terrible moment for Ragini. The person whom she wanted to hide from her kids for forever is standing in front of them.
Suhaan was about to move to them.
Jaya holds his arm: don't move to them.
Sanskar signs surbhi and she takes Siya and Soha with her.

Suhaan:Surbhi where are you taking them. Let them meet their dad!
Suhaan smiles:Yes i am your....
Jaya:you are not!
Surbhi:he is not..he is just random guest babies.come let's go!
Surbhi takes then inside a room and locks the door.

Jaya:you were saying something right, you know what i am not surprised,i knew one day you would be here...
She smiles sarcastically through the tears.
Suhaan:i know ma whatever i did till now was wrong.(he smiles)i knew you will forgive me!
Jaya:sorry wrong? Just a wrong?
He holds her hand :please maa i am asking you one chance. I know maa you might be angry with me but a mother always forgives her kids though however her kids are and now tho i am rectifying.so i know you would accept me back.
Jaya:Yes, you are right. If i am your mother then i would accept you.
Sanskar interrupts:Maa...
She just signs him her palm.Sanskar kept quite.
Suhaan smiles:Thankyou so much maa!

Jaya:But as a mother of my other 3 kids i cannot forgive you.for my grand children's i cannot forgive you.for Ragini i cannot forgive you and at last..(Tears rolls down her cheeks)even if i think to forgive you for all this but as a wife i cannot ever forgive the murderer of my husband.
Suhaan looks at her.

She pulls Ragini and made her stand in front of him:you want me to fall so low to accept you by forgetting all her sacrifices?arey..as a brother what you suggested to your sister?is she the one who easily available on the roads?
She pulls his collar:we never seen such day in our entire life.i am feeling as a worst mother to call you as my son.if i knew you would grow up like this then i would have killed you long back. I hope no one gets a son like you not even for my enemies!
She was about to lose her balance shouting at him when Ragini held her.

Jaya:i was all silent because i wanted to listen what words will come out from your filthy tongue.guess..you finished everything now you came not for the family but you found Sanskar is Successful.Ragini is running a restaurant and our condition is good so you want to grab more from us.isn't it?and you think for that i will give you a chance?i knew the day you left the home that you will return one day to create such situations.i knew it!

Jaya: don't make me feel ashamed calling me Maa.and in what way you could them your Kids?you just left your kids to die and your family to die..
She angrily hits him continuously taking out her frustration that she have stored in herself from years.
Sanskar pulls her :maa leave him.he don't deserve this too!
Jaya:Sanskar...this man needs to know his position he is having in our family so that next time he doesn't come joining the relations.
She cries.
Beeji:Jaya calm down.and it would be very good if this person leaves from here as soon as possible not spoiling our peace.you know your this position is because of our tears which cursed you.and I don't feel a little pity on you.go away from here!

Suhaan looks at Ragini:Rag..
She just turns her face.she didn't wanted to yell at him or do something to him b.The thing was she wanted to avoid him,she don't have more of courage to keep thinking about him.
Jaya looks at him:if the person once dies can never return.so even though you are alive ,you are dead for us anyways you had your own way of living life right go and live nobody is stopping you. If you again turn up here no matter what the consequences may be but I won't spare with your life.

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