43)Engagement After Marriage!

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Let's begin.....

Ragini wakes up from sleep.
She sees the time it was 9:30.
How could she sleep so late.
She immediately got down the bed and stood but suddenly stops herself from stepping when she realised something soft under her foot.
She sees the flower decoration.
And her lips automatically curved into a smile.

Ragini looks around:Sanskar!!
She did not find him around neither kids.
Ragini left out a breath and she could not find the bag around.
She walked to wardrobe and opens to find a gift box and there was her bag.she opens it to find a Green colour saree.

She takes it and goes to washroom.
After freshening wearing the saree and making her hair into braid she walked to following the route which is made in the flower decoration.
Ragini calls for him:Sanskar..
And she reached a flower garden where the table was setup.
When flower petals falls on her.
Ragini smiles.

And she sees him standing there in front of her.
Sanskar smiles:everyday you wake up early.this day you made me wait..but every night you wait for me so it's okay!
She smiles

He pulls the chair for her.
She sits on it.
Sanskar sits opposite to her.
Ragini looks around:Siya Soha..
Sanskar:they have already had their breakfast and now they are playing in the play area.
Ragini was about to say something.
Sanskar:need not to worry they are safe.
She smiles.
And he serves food for her.

Ragini:trying to be Romantic?
Sanskar looks at her:you never tried to know me.i was already..
She laughs a bit
Sanskar :you find it funny..
She laughs more.
Sanskar:what's so funny about this?you cannot laugh at me like that?it hurt my feelings.
She continues laughing:Sorry..sorry..
But again laughs

Sanskar:you are really emotionless.i made all these arrangements instead of appreciating me.you are laughing...I am hurt!
He silently eats his breakfast.
Ragini:okay I am sorry!
Sanskar:keep it with you.i don't need it!
Ragini:I am really sorry.
He did not speak anything.
He ignored her.
Ragini:but whenever you are hurt you don't eat food right..
He looks at her:to convince you to marry me.meri tho jaan nikal gayi thi.andk I am not gonna compromise for anything.i have stayed a hungry a lot then..not anymore!
She controls her laughter seeing his way of telling it as if it was an angry child explaining it.
She apologised to him many times but he kept silent.
She then appreciates and praises him for the surprise but still he didn't speak.
She eats the food.

Ragini:what's the point of decorating when you have to stay upset like this?
He finished with his breakfast and he moved leaving her behind.
Ragini looks on.

Ragini moves following him where Sanskar was tying the shoelace of Soha.and Siya was playing with some other kids.
Someone pats her and she turns to find a girl and she smiles at her:hai..
Ragini smiles back but was confused seeing her.
Girl:Are you Siya Soha's mother?
Ragini nods:Yeah,but I didn't recognise you!
Girl:I am Kayal.well I met these cuties this morning.they are the wonderful kids.
Ragini smiles.

Kayal:actually after 2 days it's my wedding organised here in small function!
Kayal:I had twin sisters,seeing Siya Soha I remembered them.i lost them in a car accident along with my parents.so when I saw them I felt like them..and I have no one from my family.if you could attend..
Ragini smiles a bit:we will come..
Kayal:today evening it's my mehendi and tomorrow haldi..
Ragini nods.
Kayal:My fiancé have invited your husband..
Ragini smiles.
Kayal:Now I will go.
She moves from there.

Ragini moves to Sanskar and sits beside him.
While he stood and sits on another seat.
Ragini again sits beside him and catch her ear:I am sorry!
He looks other side avoiding her.and was about to stand but she holds him.
Ragini:okay I am sorry.i will not repeat it.and I agree that you are romantic!
Sanskar looks at her and smiles stretching.
And frees his hand from her and moves.
She looks on.

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