32)Sanskar tricks Anish

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Let's begin....

Ragini serves food for Beeji and forwards her.
She takes it.
Sameer:bhaai why are you not having food?
As he witnessed Sanskar was ready to go to office without having the food.
Jaya:because he is fasting!
Ragini looks at Sanskar.
Sameer:but it's only for ladies right?
Jaya:why only husband have to live long?
Sameer:I didn't mean it!
Ragini didn't knew that he was fasting.
He raises his eyebrows questioning her.and she just smiles!

Sameer:Surbhi why are you fasting?
Surbhi:So I get good results in my bank exams!
Sanskar:No to get a good husband.isn't it Maa?
Beeji:send her soon from here!
Surbhi:haw now I became burden?beeji!!!
Sanskar smiles mischievously:Actually Maa I have a good friend and he can be perfect match for Surbhi!
Surbhi looks at him:No I don't want to get married!
Sanskar:he is a good guy.and I think there's no problem with it.Marriage can be kept later!
Surbhi looks at Ragini.
Ragini:No no..first let her accomplish her dream!
Sanskar laughs a bit and nods:hmm..okay I will leave now!
Surbhi breathes being relieved.

Sanskar moves out where kids were playing.
He kisses them and they wave their hands to him.
He smiles and moves and drives to office.

Ragini moves to room and pulls the chair near wardrobe and takes the bags and keeps it down.
Surbhi enters:Bhabhi what are you doing?
Ragini:few days have passed thinking of removing all this stuff and today I can remove it.
Surbhi:hmm..all of these are bhaiyya's things.
Ragini picks a bag and places it on bed and opens it:we can arrange in wardrobes also why to keep it here.
Surbhi:Yeah..I will help you.
And it had many trophies.
Ragini:see..which should have been kept in showcases it's dig inside this bag.
Surbhi laughs.
Ragini sees trophies of sports and singing:I never knew he sings.
Surbhi:he used to sing actually when we were small.i remember he insisted of joining a music class so papa had joined him to..but no one saw him singing in home till date!
Ragini:I asked him about guitar.he is saying he forgot to play!
Surbhi:let's arrange this in room and surprise him!
Ragini picks up other bag and tries to open it but it had lock code.
She tries to open it but couldn't.
Surbhi:bhaiyya probably puts his birth date may be...
She tries but it doesn't open.
Ragini:let's open the other and then when he will return then we will ask!
Surbhi nods.

She opens another bag and finds some electric things.
Ragini:What is this?Was he scrap dealer then?
Surbhi laughs:I also think so!
And Ragini picks up a camera.she tries to open it but it didn't:Surbhi get sameer's camera battery charger.
Surbhi nods and she moves.
And she takes out.and her eyes caught something and she takes the things out and she takes half heart shaped pendant with "Nayan" written in it.
And she takes out few things.and there was a small key.
Ragini smiles when Surbhi comes and puts the camera on charger.
Surbhi:it's charging ...this tiny key?
Ragini:I don't know I found it.that's also when Sanskar will come then will ask him only.but I don't think so he would remember it!

While on the other side Sanskar completes with the presentation succeeding with it.
He sits there and dials Ragini's number.
Ragini picks the call,she immediately questions him:How was the meeting?
Sanskar:wow...immediately this question.not asking how I am doing?
Ragini:okay how are you doing?
Sanskar:I am doing good and presentation gone well and they signed the contracts too.
Sanskar smiles:where are Siya Soha?
Ragini:they are playing outside.between I got lot of your things.i mean were you scrap dealer when you were in college?
Sanskar:why such question suddenly?
Ragini:no say if yes or no?
Sanskar laughs:Yes i was...
Ragini:oh ho!
When he was informed of Maithri have come to meet him.he signs to send her.
Sanskar:you know a secret I got degree with scrap dealing profits only !
Ragini:I could guess it!!!
Ragini smiles:and one more thing Remember to get my gift while coming!
Sanskar :Gift?why?
He smiles
Ragini:why means?its a karwachaut.so you must!
Sanskar:why?its just a ritual can't you let it go?
Ragini smiles:okay fine.i was kidding!
He laughs:where's my gift then?
Ragini:total wastage so I let it go so no gifts!
Maithri comes and he smiles.
Ragini:I have work.okay bye!!!
She disconnected the call.

Sanskar places the phone on table:kahiye Javithri ji...What made you to come here?it feels like I was in peace all these days!
Maithri smiles:Really?
And she glares him.
Sanskar:see you got the chance too Anish got unwell and had to postpone from going.and today evening he will go.
Sanskar coughs and acts of loosening his tie:am feeling suffocated!!!
Maithri:I will kill you.see I helped you so much!
Sanskar passes her a look.
Maithri:I told you about Anish.and I told Anish of all this..
Sanskar:I don't think so you have said it for me!
Maithri:see I didn't take Neki from you also.so please...
Sanskar:I feel so honoured!!!
Sanskar laughs:please don't do it I am not gonna help you.
He looks at watch:between am getting late.i have to go shopping.then go pick Ragini and to go to airport to bid Anish.
She angrily goes from there.


Sanskar moves inside the room :Ragini are you ready?we have to come back too..
And he sees the trophies and medals are neatly arranged.
He smiles looking around it.
But it didn't last longer and he sees that bag was still there.and he picks it and breathes relieved.
Ragini was standing behind:what's in this bag?that's kept locked?
Sanskar smiles:Nothing!!!
Ragini looks at him:it's too heavy!
Sanskar:it has some of my old note book.didn't you ask me scrap dealer.
Ragini:all those scrap is in store!
Sanskar:I will keep this one also there!
Ragini shrugs her shoulder:okay!!!
He takes the bag and moves.
Sanskar:let's go to airport..
Ragini nods.

Sanskar puts the bag in store.he stops as he couldn't move.
"Why do you keep my things with you?"
"Because to save it as my most beautiful memory!"
"Sanskar...hope I don't remain as memory only and these things would be some day in your store room"
He inhales the deep breath.it should be hidden...and better destroy it!

He smiles wiping off the stress on his face and walks out.
Sanskar:where's everyone?
Ragini:they went to temple.and we will go while returning back!
Sanskar smiles and pats her cheeks:okay.now come.Siya Soha are already waiting in the car.
Ragini smiles:am I a kid?why do you pat my cheek?
He turns and smiles:don't you like it?
She smiles.
Sanskar:the answer is here.let's go!

Soon after sometime...
They reach the airport.
Anish meets with the kids.
Ragini:you could have stayed for the festivals...until Diwali!
Anish:I wish I could but nothing is stopping me here.so let me go!
Ragini:don't these festival stop you?
Anish:I don't celebrate any festivals after Preethi left me!
Ragini nods.
Anish forwards his hand for a handshake with Sanskar while Sanskar hugs him.
Sanskar:Thankyou so much.You have really been great friend.
Anish smiles:well it's a part of duty in friends take care!
Sanskar:you guys speak I will just come now!
Ragini nods.

While Sanskar moves passing the passport from his left hand to right with a broad smile.
He turns :Anish...
Anish smiles at him.
Sanskar:I would have been glad if you could stay for some more time.
And stood in front of Maithri.
He forwards the passport.
Maithri:why are you giving me this?
She sees Anish's passport:haww...thief you stole his passport?
Sanskar:don't you want it?should I give it back.
He grabs the passport from her.
She tries to take it but the next moment isn't in his hand:where the passport go?
Sanskar:offer valid only once..
Maithri:please jeeju..consider your sister-in-law!
Sanskar:praise me!
Maithri:praise?....you are so nice..
Sanskar:it didn't feel like...
Maithri:you are most amazing person I have ever met with the only person having different talents.God gifted...enough?
Sanskar forwards her the passport.
Maithri:are you a magician?
Sanskar:whatever you think.
She takes the passport..

While Anish side hugs Ragini:okay take care.it's time..
He push his trolley and he looks for the passport which was inside the pocket of his blazer.
Anish:tickets are here where did the passport go?

Sanskar:Now again don't stay quite!
Maithri looks on.
Sanskar:you should tell him before it's too late or should I?

To be continued.......

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