39)Jealousy kills

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Let's begin.....

Ragini rings the doorbell.
And Akashi opens the door.
She looks at Ragini for some moment:Ragini?!
Ragini looks at her and nods.
Akashi smiles a bit:come...come inside.
Ragini nods and they move in.
Akashi asks her to sit:coffee tea..
Ragini:No..no thank you.

Ragini:you recognized me?
Akashi:I did..Sanskar had sent me the pictures of your wedding.but how you know about me?did Sanskar tell you about me?
She knew sanskar would never tell her all this..
Ragini:No..he didn't tell me about you.
Akashi looks on.

Ragini:Akashi...I know about Sanskar and Nayantara!
Akashi bent her head and then looks at her:How?
Ragini:I got to know through Nayantara's diary.Sanskar wanted to hide it from me.it has everything good then what happened that now Sanskar and Nayantara were not together.where is she now?
Akashi:why you want to know all this now?its past Ragini!

Ragini:why?(she took some moment to continue)because I want to know the truths of my own life!
Ragini smiles:I want to know his past.i know he is still going through it but doesn't express it.i can understand how it's difficult for him,being his wife I want to help him out.
Akashi nods and smiles.

Ragini:everything was right in between then Nayantara had gifted her diary to him.you guys have planned of career.
Akashi:everything was right but not for Sanskar.and something happened that we never expected.If everyone of us have shared a beautiful relation then Sanskar and Nakul also had a very different bonding.Nakul is mentally weak and he needs to consult psychiatrist to be normal which no one of us knew not even sandman who was very close to him.Sanskar would take care of him for everything's he wanted.as if Nakul is a child..Nayantara and Sanskar's relation had ended up Nakul in different way......Whatever might happen Nakul's mother would inform Sanskar. Since the first day of college sanskad protected him from get bullied,nakul's mom would trust him for everything.


Nakul's mother:Sanskar...Nakul didn't reach home.i am scared for him!
Sanskar:Don't worry aunty I will look for him.
Nakul 's mother:don't inform others.later annul would get angry and blame about his..
Sanskar looks at her confused..
Nakul's mother:don't tell anyone!

And he looked every possible places but he didn't find Nakul.
When accidentally he found Nakul walking out of the bar.
Sanskar held him before he could hit the ground.

Sanskar:Nakul What is this?
Nakul:Sanskar...see I was talking about you only!
Sanskar:why did you get drunk?from when did you start all this?do you know how much your mom was worried.what will she feel when she will see you like this!
Nakul:then let her see.because I am a loser!
He tried to push Sanskar away from him but it didn't happen.
Nakul:you are so intelligent,Even though you don't want the job here people are offering you.no matter what,you will make yourself in top 3 in the university.you have no worries for anything your dad takes care of all your needs,you don't have to think twice to buy anything,you get new model bike for you.(his tone softened)what I am?i am nothing...interviews again interviews they don't find me smart enough am rejected straight away.and mom..she can't fulfill her own need what she will do for me?

Sanskar:your mom is doing countless think upon you..you can never forget her for this.you only see what's above you,you don't see the below world.and after the exam you try on other companies Nakul,you have something that other don't have!
Nakul pushed him walked in trembling steps:I don't have what you have..everyone Abhay Rishi palak Akashi looks upon you for everything.
Sanskar looks at him and tried to hold him:Nakul you are not conscious,let's go home!

Nakul pushes his hand away:I am conscious.Today I am so sure of things,Sanskar you are toxic.you finished me...you have finished me!
He cried.
Sanskar couldn't see him like that:Nakul..you are misunderstanding...
Nakul interrupts:okay..this was fine but you had no rights to snatch Nayan from me!
Sanskar looks on shocked:Nakul!!
Nakul:despite of all this...Nayan is also impressed by you.you are the most lucky person you can snatch easily anything just by your worst behaviors.i hate you Sanskar...I hate you so much!
Sanskar holds him.
He was still in semi conscious:I hate you Sanskar..I will never forgive you...I will snatch Nayan from you!

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