14)Ragini - i stopped living in illusions

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Let's begin...

Ragini struggles to free right her arm from Vishal.
While she was holding knife on the left hand.she never did it.
She requested again:Vishal please...
While he laughs: don't sound like a typical 70's heroine now.You are going with me now.
Ragini pulls her arm from him:i am not!
Vishal turns :get her,she should be in my room before i reach back.
He moves near the door.
When heard the scream.
When his guards were about to pulls she attacked them one of their arms with the knife.resulting a huge cut and it bleeds.and he winces out in the pain.
She move back literally hitting on to the dining table.
Siya soha were hitting on the door crying:Mumma!!

Vishal :wait..where are those 2 kids.get the kids she would come by herself then.
While the guard looks around and sees the door.
He was about to move while she moves and stood in front of the door threatens him by showing the knife but the guard tries to take it from her she struggles which leads her palm to bleed while she was hitting him with the other hand.
When Vishal comes and clutched her arm tightly and drags her:tum aise nahi maanogi!
Ragini literally begs him:please please spare us...
While the guard opens the door.
She tried to move but vishal drags her.
And the guard picks the kid with them.

Ragini tried to free her hand from him and bites his hand he leaves her.
She moves to the kids and tries to take them from the guard.
She request and begs them.
She sees the vase and picks it hits on the guard but it was not strong but it made him leave the kids and she covered the kids behind her moving back.
Siya and Soha were hugging her from the either sides out of fear.
Vishal himself moves and clutched Ragini's hair and was about to drag when a hand holds his wrist.
And the person revealed to be Sanskar.
The strong grip on his wrist made vishal to leave her hair and the Police comes there.
Vishal was shocked.

Sanskar:arrest them.
Vishal:no..i was here to give her the job ask her.
Police:yes we can see it.
He puts the hand cuffs on his wrist.
Vishal:do you know who i am?
Police:even if you are CM i don't care.you have to go to the jail now then you have to go.
Vishal takes his phone to call.
Police takes the phone from him: you would be given the chance but right now the prison needs you.
Constable drags him along with the guards.

Ragini was crying uncontrollably.
Police:you need to come to the police station to file the FIR.
Sanskar:Thankyou sir!
Police: it's the duty man, right now they need you..
He signs to Ragini and kids who were in tears.
And he goes out..
Inspector was one of his good friend of His dad whom Sanskar knows from long time.

And he turned to Ragini.this time he was bit furious.
He just moved inside the room and pulled a bag and opens it.
Opening the wardrobe he places all of the clothes.
Ragini realises it and moves.

She stops at the door.
Sanskar looks at her and turns and collects other clothes and placed inside the bag.
After whatever happened,she was still shivering,her mind was blank with words.
He noticed her hand which was bleeding.

He takes the bag and moves to door.slowly pushing her a little from the way he moves.
Ragini quickly moves behind him wiping her tears:wh..what are you doing?
Sanskar :you are not going to stay here.
He told it in calm tone but still it was ordering one.
Sanskar:Siya Soha let's move to car.collect your toys!
They goes to collect their toys
They nods wiping their tears.
She was still rooted on her steps.
Sanskar sees her bleeding palm she was still not paying a attention towards it.
She was about to say something when in next moment he holds her wrist and turns her palms and he clears the wound taking her near the washbasin pouring some water on it. Though it gave her the burning sensation to her still she didn't react.she was just looking at him without even blinking her eyes once.He ties the kerchief on her palm.

Ragini:i.. I can't come!
There was some kind of fear in her heart while saying this. She didn't see him getting anger, but.. today she felt he was silent just controlling his anger.
Sanskar looks at her:Do you want to stay here in this unsafe place?
Though she didn't had an answer for this but still she didn't wanted to go!
She nods in no: I don't want to go!
He left out a breath:i don't know what you will get by doing this.what is the problem in staying there?if you always care about what people say then you can never live for yourself!

Ragini nods in no with tears:no..it took me lot of courage to live separately alone with my kids.i cannot depend on my husband's family.
She looks at him:how it sounds a disowned wife is still depending and staying with in-laws?i cannot... it's easy to say but it isn't easy to live that way.And Thankyou so much for helping us this day.i know you are concerned but i will manage somehow!
Sanskar:do you know what you are saying?
Ragini:i know..!!
Sanskar:you don't...
He left out a breath:we will discuss this but for now you won't live here.at least for this you can agree with me!

After sometime..

Sanskar stops the car.
Both the kids were sleeping and she was silently crying.
He turns to her,he couldn't either concentrate on driving knowing that she is crying suppressing her feelings within herself.
She looks at him.

She nods and smiles sarcastically:you know what is the worst ever feeling?not having the own family,own parents with you when you need the most.i don't know,i really don't know that why my life is so punished like this, what and all i have to face further,i am tired. I don't have enough courage to take all this...sometimes i feel like i should end my life but...But i have my kids depending on me.
He holds her hand.

She looks at him:when people taunt though we keep an attitude of ignore but those words are such that,it itself says try not ignore.
She smiles:this is the reality,it won't change.
Sanskar turns and clutched the steering wheel:papa ek baat kaha karte the...ki tum taaron ko ginte ginte chaand ko kho doge
(Dad used to say that...if you keep counting the stars you will lose the Moon)
Sanskar:i don't know why he used to say this but i think....that fixing everyone's life you forgot about your own!
She turns to him.

Sanskar: let's talk a fair thing,our hotel needs you.no one can handle it as per you,how about this time you take it as a job?since you needed one!
She looks at him.
Sanskar:i feel you are more comfortable with it.you would be the incharge,no sympathy or anything but as a rule you take up 50% of profit as your salary.i think you don't need to think much about this.your kids depend on you.
Ragini smiles turning to window:No...again it would be the same thing.in frank words we aren't related i can understand your concerns you want me to stay back home with kids.but once they will grow i will not be able to answer their questions!
Sanskar just nods understanding her words:then...

He shrinks his eyes clutching steering wheel tightly: don't take me wrong....why don't you look for a good partner around you, who can support you with personal and professional life and with whom you can live protected?and you would have no fear that people would point out on you after that!
Ragini:you think finding partner is easy.even if one accept me but will not accept my kids..
Sanskar:but..but what if there might be one..what if that person alrea..(he stops for a moment)i mean accepts the kids.
She looks at him and smiles a bit and mutters:i stopped living in illusions!

He turns other side and close his eyes and again turns to her:but..
Ragini:please Sanskar i got enough to see with first partner and second match had shown me greater things in an hour today.i don't think so i would find one,it would be just an expectation but life isn't fair for everyone it shows the reality as a greater slap!
Sanskar:but try to understand me if the person knows you.someone around you if he accepts everything of yours as his..
Ragini smiles:show me one person as your thought!
Sanskar looks at her with a blank expression.

Ragini:between thankyou so much,you helped me with the big thing today and i will never forget this.and now i feel living here only is the problem. My friend was calling me to Bangalore and i think i should move..
Sanskar:but Rag...
She interrupts:i know i would be safe there.though it's a new place for my but i know some people there. Who are asking me to start a new life there. It's better to start a new life in a new place!
He looks on:but do you know there you would be safe?
Ragini:i would be safe since my friend runs the NGO and she was asking me to stay along with her. And i can discover myself...
She smiles:i think we should go now it's already late.
She turns to her kids who were sleeping peacefully and she smiles.

*Do you think Ragini is right with her decision to settle in Bangalore? And about whom was sanskar directing to Ragini? Will she move to Bangalore?*

To be continued....

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