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My Mom smiled and smooth down my life tux with her hands.

" I think this will be the last time Im sending you off on your wedding, Jack."

" Well, Im marrying a Doctor today so, maybe she have a longer life?"

She chuckeled. My Mom, who's starting the drama now, I know.

" Im .... Im just happy that you and Gabrielle are finally here."

" Come on, dont cry now.."

" 🥺☺️ Make your wife happy, no matter what happen, Jack."

" Yes, Mommy. Now can we go see my princess?

- Gabrielle-

My Mom smiled at me thru the reflection of the mirror infront of me.

Her gentle eyes and loving smile. Calms my nervous heart. Always..

" You are so beautiful, Gabrielle.."

" Thank you, Momma..😊"

I turn around and face her. She held my hand and look back to my Dad who walks to us.

" You're finally getting married, Gab. Congratulations. 😊"

" Thanks, Dad. 😊"

" You're old enough to get married but it kinda still sad somehow, giving you away today will surely feel like the way I felt when I gave away Madalyn when she got married. But Im happy for you. You are marrying the love of your life, feels great right? I know because, I got to marry the love of my life too."

" Dad.. 🥺 Thank you for everything.."

" Everthing and anything that will make you happy. Gab. "

I was once engulf with the warmest embrace from the two amazing person who brought and raise me in this world.

" Now, are you excited to see Midnight?"



The perfect weather matches the perfect day.

It was not the grandest wedding but it will surely marked as one of the best day in history of two families that are brought together by fate and destiny.

Jack walk down the aisle with that signature silly smile. Still slightly birkering with her Mom and Dad.

After he's settled, stood at the right side of the aisle, he patiently watch their entourage.

Their entourage were people who played  a significant part on their story from the very start. Closests friends who they know, genuinely happy for them and secretly prayed too that one day, the starts will collide and they will end up to this day.

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