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Luna was awake when I came back. As much as I want to spend time with our daughter, my feet are itching to go back to the hospital.

Some of the machines and lines attached to her are gone when I came back. Her oxygen mask was replaced by oxygen line in her nose. There are only three left lines that are connected to her IV line. Lastly, she looks peaceful and comfortable. Pale but good more than she look like the past month.

" Hey, Moonlight.."

She smiled and look at me.

Though she's weak, she still has the brightest smile to me.

I went to her and sit beside her bed. Held her hand and allow myself to rain her face with kisses. Being careful with her.

" I missed you so much, my wife."

" J-jack.. m--my awfully handsome... Jack.."

" Yes I am.."

" B--b-- baby.."

" Our baby girl is so georgous, Luna.. She's so amazing. I left her home with Olivia. You need to get well soon so we can all be together, okay??"

She nod and quietly stare at me.

" I love you, Moonlight. You know you cant leave me right?"


" I promise to watch Korea Novelas with you to your heart's content. Just... lets get over with this together. Okay?"

" Hmmmm.."

There was a tentative knock on the door. Its was Gabrielle and Yumi, the OB-Gynecologist.

Yumi: Ow, I can see the Moon is really up.

Luna: ☺️

Gabrielle: We're duty tonight so we can monitor you. How are you feeling?

Gabrielle ask, checking all the stuff everywhere that are connected to Luna.

I step aside to make way for the two doctors. Dr. Yumi checked Luna's birthing wound too.

Yumi: Its healing smoothly. Your scar is quite big than usual for a premature baby but, its fine. Your baby needs a biggert way out.

Luna was just nodding and smiling while the two doctors are talking to her.

Few minutes later, a nurse came.

Gabrielle: Oh, its time for your regular shots. Are you ready?

Gabrielle laid down three syringe that contains medicine shots for Luna.

Gabrielle: You're having these regularly for your heart and stable blood flow.

When Gab grab her hand, Luna look away from her to me. I sat on the chair beside her bed and held her other hand. Kissing her forehead and telling her its going to be fine. Luna has this huge trauma to needles.

Gabrielle: Ready? Im on number 1 now.

I nod at her and I felt Luna took a deep breath after and then release a shaky sigh.

Yumi: That's okay. You're doing good, Mrs. Brinkman.



I look at Yumi after i gave Luna her second shot.

Yumi: That's okay. You're doing good, Mrs. Brinkman.

She say that with as encouraging voice but she was looking at me. I from at her and she stiffle a giggle and then look away.

After the third shot, Luna complained of being nauseuos.

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