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" That's your second cup and there's no way---"

" Mowwwe!"

" Oh.My.GOD, daughter mine! Did you just---"

" Pwease, Daddy??"

" Okay---okay-- But first, let's go home and change. You look like a homeless baby with that messy hair and shirt."

My 28-months old little daughter grin at me. Living alone with my little girl is hard but pure bliss. I got to witness every single 'firsts' of her life. I had learned to accept that we cant live our lives in the past. We should always prioritize our present and anticipate the future.

I had live through Moonlight's memories for the first year since she died. I cant even count in my head how long I've been crying myself to sleep when I miss her so much and when I feel that our daughter's  looking for her mother. I know that I am not enough but Im doing my best.

After I clean up and dress up Dreamy, I took a quick shower and dress up as well.

Just as I finish fixing my hair, my fone rang while Dreamy is watching her Cocomelon.

" Mama!"

She said with beaming eyes, sitting up in bed and telling me to answer the call.

" Mama! Mama! "

" Okay okay. Youre too excited."

I got the fone, answered it and settled in the bed with the overly excited Dreamy.

" Hello?"

" Mama Babaaaa!!!"

" Hi, Booboo bear!"

" Hi! Mama!"

" Looks like you ate so much sweets today, huh? You're hyper."

" She had two cups of strawberry icecream before we head home."

" Two cups, are you kidding me, Jack? That's too much for her."

" Its a vegan icecream."

" Its still an icecream. She needs to drink a lot of water and dont make her eat anything with sugar."

" Relax."

" You're being too relax, Jack. Your daughter needs extra precaution."

" Mama! Booboo??"

I let the two talk and I just watch. Dreamy's just have so much stories to tell. They talk and talk and talk till Dreamy fell asleep.

" She's growing too fast."

" Yeah.. I cant even stand carrying her longer than 1 hour anymore."

" What does her pedia say?"

" She's a little overweight for her height. And they are referring her to an eye specialist."

" Why?"

" Dreamy complains headache frequently so I told them during the check up. They gave us a recommendation to an eye specialist. We have set the appointment this afternoon."

" Is there a problem on her eyes?"

" We'll find out later. Anyway, wazzup?"

" I got the letter today."

" What letter?"

" Night's full custody."

" Really?? Are you happy?"

" Yes! I couldnt get any happier, Jack."

I watch and listened how excited and happy she was while telling me her plans for Night.

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