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This is for silveth01 I appreciate your appreciation.. if thats even makes sense.. 😅 This one's for you!


My first day back to work starts with an early meeting. Maine called me and reminded me not to be late.

And Im running late because Night decided to throw a tantrum early in the morning after Dreamy kept us up almost all night because her head hurts and she couldnt sleep. Good thing Jack's still free for the next five days. And this man of mine is so good with the kids.

" We'll pick you up later."

" Yeah, take care. And please call me if Night is being too much."

" He'll be fine, sweetheart. You worry too much. "

I glance at the backseat where the two kids were. Dreamy's now sleeping while Night is starting to fall asleep.

" You'll be late. "

" Its the first time I'll leave Night."

" You're not leaving him all alone. You are leaving him with me. He'll probably be Midnight Jade Brinkman before you even become a Brinkman yourself. So dont worry about our son."

I pause for a minute just staring at this amazing man.

" What?"

" Our son.. that felt good."

He held my hand and smiled.

" I love to talk about more of our future but Im afraid we cant."

" 🙄"

" Your late, its 8:30am and your meeting is 8am."

I put on my coat and sprinted to the conference room with my laptop.

I was welcome by confetties and balloons and a loud 'Welcome back!!!!!' cheer from my colleagues who are almost all present. Specially Yumi and Maine.

Maine: Your gloooowwwing!

Gabrielle: Thank you! Oh my God! how are you everyone? Hi!

I gave each and everyone hugs and buss on the cheek with a quick acknowledgement. Apparently, the said 'meeting' is actually a mini welcome party for me. Seeing everyone after more than two years is so refreshing.

The little get together lasted for two hours. I didnt realize talking to 10 people at a time is so exhausting.

It was past 12 noon when i finally got back in my clinic/office with Maine and Yumi in tow.

Yumi: Soooo..

Gabrielle: You dont start with me, Yumi.

Maine: What?? You owe us a lot!

Gabrielle: Dont you have...

They both sat in the couch in my office and took off their coats.

Maine: Its actually our rest day. We just went here to welcome you.

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