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Our wedding reception is compose of joyful cheers, warm wishes from families and friends and a lot of kisses and naughty remarks from Jack to me and vice versa.

Cant take my eyes and cant take my hands off of each other moments. Cant even taste my food properly. Kinda feeling nervous for what those hot stares from Jack promises.

" Can we just set aside your plans for later for now, Jack? You make me feel nervous with those stares."

" Nervous? Not excited?"

" hmmm.. kinda off.😉"

" I wonder what hides under that geourgeous dress.. 😏"

" Well, definitely not diapers and bloomers, Jack 😏. Which reminds me, where are the kids? Havent seen them ----"

And before I even roam my eyes, Dreamy and Night came running. Both giggling and all sweaty.

Gabrielle: Oh my God! Where have you been? Look at you, all sweaty..

Night: Went pway! 😁

Dreamy: Yeah! and and.. pwayyyyy!

Jack: Ow--key, little sweaty-giggling cubs. I think you should change now since the party's almost done.

I called my secretary who volunteered to be the nanny of the day so I wont be stress with the kids. She manage to get along with Night and Dreamy so the two doest gave her a hard time.

After the two change and freshen up, both went back playing with the other kids.

" How many hours till this party is over?"

" Two to three more, I guess.. why?"

" Cant wait to have you all to myself."

" Jack!"

" What?? Its our wedding night, sweetheart."

" I know. But its not like ---- you havent seen what you would see tonight."

" Well, Im expecting you prepared something different. I mean.. 😏 come on. I know you did."

" Well.."

" You didnt?"

" I did.."

" 😏 "

I feel so dead tired after we send our last guest off. Only our parents are left with us. It was a busy reception that we hardly ate including our families so Jack book a reservation in one of the in house restaurant of the hotel we are staying in.

It was dinner time and we all gather in the restaurant after changing and freshep up.

Both Dreamy and Night are in low spirit too and both look so sleepy.

Lucy: What time is your flight tomorrow?

Gabrielle: 10am. I still feel anxious leaving the kids thou.

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