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I lost count on how many times Mr. Moses let out deep sighs since we all sat in the living room. Even night is quietly playing games on my fone.

Mom: When are you planning to go home to see us, Gabrielle? You've been here since yesterday.

Gabrielle: We've planned to visit tonight. I just have to attend to my clinic. And we're still trying to condition the kids because they had been grumpy since morning.

Dad: Kids???

And as if on que, a sniffing Dreamy came out of the room.

Dreamy: Mommy? 🥺

I stood and pick her up but as soon as we sat back, she immediately went to Gabrielle. Lay head on her chest.

Night: Awe you owkey, Dweamy?

Night ask and sat on my lap. Trying to talk to Dreamy. But the latter stayed quiet.

Night: Is she owkey, Mommy?

Gabrielle: Yes, hon. She's just having a baby fever..

Night: Fevew?

Gabrielle: Yes.

Dad: You do know that, this is not same as before that if you want go break up, you breal up, right?

Gabrielle: Of course, Dad. We want to work this out on our own.

Another silence.

Dad: Having a kid alone is hard enough. What more with two?

Gabrielle: Dad, Jack and I are two. We can do this.

Dad: I understand that you got back together. If you love each other, okay. That's fine. But, two kids? Dont you think its a little---

Jack: Im sorry to interupt you, Mr. Moses. But the kids are out and ----

Dad: You're daughter is out of the question. I get that. But----

Gabrielle: My SON is out of the question, Dad. I had him before Jack and I got back together.

Mom: Gabrielle..

Gabrielle: Mom.

Dad: Okay. This is not going anywhere.

Mr. Moses stood up and I can see how upset Gabrielle was.

I walk the parents out still with Night in my arms.

Dad: When the news about your wife reach me, I immediately prayed to God that, if you ever move on and decided to give love a try again, I asked him to give you to my Gabrielle because.. I have seen her cried a river over her brokenheart.. And I know how she regrets breaking up with you. She's... not the same without you.

Jack: I am not the same either.. Mr. Moses. I promise Gabrielle that we will work this out together no matter what. And..

I look at Night.

Jack: This little boy is one of the reasons why Gabrielle and I reconnect. And I love him as much as I love my daughter. He is Gabrielle's package deal that I accepted just how she accept my daughter. You see, this is not the ideal set up we envision when we were dating before.. but we both agree that,.this is better. We are better together now because of these kids.

Mr and Mrs Moses look at each other.

Jack: This is not a business deal, but Im still asking for reconsideration. Gabrielle already decided to give this boy a family of his own. We cant dis-own him just because you dont want him.

Mom: *sigh* I guess, your old enough to decided on your own. You do know that raising a child is not like a business deal that you can reject when it giving you a hard time right?

Jack: Yeah. 'had a two-year seminar with my daughter when it was just the two of us.

Dad: Jack.

Jack: .......

Dad: Im ... *sigh* I've never known Gabrielle makin this kind of big decision. Im just glad she's doing this with you. Please dont hurt her. And make her the happiest.

Jack: That's actually my plan. Ahm.. would you mind if I marry her soon?

He was taken aback, but ride my segue anyway.

Dad: Oh, I dont really mind. Just tell me when and where, I'll walk her down the aisle to you.

Jack: Thank you..

Mom: We'll expect you in our house tomorrow lunch time. Gabrielle's big brother is coming too.

Jack: Sure.. ahm.. can we bring the kids? Because---

Mom: Of course, Jack.

She then lightly pat Night's arm.

Mom: Im sure this little would have a great time with his cousins.

Night: I hawve cousins???

Mom: Of course you do.

Night: Wow!!

Jack: You like that?

Night: Yeah!!! We can pway..!

Dad: We'll get going.

Night: Bye, gwammy and gwampy! 👋

Dad: I should get use to being called grandpa by two more kids, right?

Mom: Yeah, you should.


my post-birthday treat for y'all!😆😆
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