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Jack went out for a meeting when someone drop off a black jeep in front of his driveway.

Jack went out for a meeting when someone drop off a black jeep in front of his driveway

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" Hello?"

" Yow, baby. Zup?"

" Someone drop off a black jeep in your house."


" Jack?"

" A black jeep? What does he say?"

" He left me the keys and some sort of papers on a folder. Your name and Dreamy's name printed in front."

" He doesnt say anything?"

" Nope. Can you come home?"

" I'll be there in 10."

" Okay. Drive safe."

" Yeah."

" Bye."

" Gabrielle?"

" Hmmm?"

" I love you."

I dont know if I'll ever get used to him telling me that after years of not hearing those from him. It makes my heart flutters all the time.

" Daddddddy!"

Dreamy run to her father as soon as Jack got down his car.

" Hey, Princess."

He catch his little girl and walk to me. Looking briefly on the jeep when they pass by it.

" So.."

We settle the kids in the playroom and talk in the library.

He stare at the folder before he open it.

" The car was Moonlight's. "

" .... "

" And this is her last will."

" Last will and testament. That exist in real life, huh?"

" When someone rich died, these exist I guess."

" I mean, why now---- It has been years."

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