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" I actually dont know how she manage to look perfectly fine and alive. Her case is actually getting worse."

That was what Dr. Xavier ia saying althroughout this meeting. I havent sleep properly because I have to attend to work extra early. Dr. Crosby went straight to the hospital when he arrive.

Dr. Crosby: Now you know why I always say this one's working miracle?

I massage my forehead, this meeting isnt helping with my migraine.

Gab: We might actually end up proposing a heart transplant soon.

Dr.Crosby: What??

I fire up my laptop to the projector and explain further. It was a tough research of trial and error to come up with this conclusion I may say

Dr. Crosby: It got that bad, huh?

Dr. Xavier: She's number 9 on the waiting list.

Dr. Crosby: And there was no record of donor for the last three months. How long can she wait?

Gab: I really am not worrying about finding a donor. Jack would shake the world with his wealth so he can find one.

Dr. Xavier: Yeah, you can say that. But finding a COMPATIBLE donor .

Dr.Crosby: She might experience worst palpitations soon. I wish she'll get through until we figure out the best solution.

Dr.Xavier: She better work that miracle your saying double then.

We wrapped up at 3pm and decided to pay a visit to our patient.

We came to an empty ICU bed. All equipments crazily beeping and all IV lines dripping on the floor.

All three of us aided the beeping equipment and just after the room fell silent, the door of the comfort room open. Apperead the grinning patient who was suppose to be laying down and resting.

Dr. Crosby: What the freaking hell, Luna????

Luna: Oh, hi! Jaden--- Dr. Crosby, I mean. 😉

Dr. Crosby went to her and let her settle back on the bed.

I notice the unussual emotions on Dr. Crosby' eyes and face. He seem.. worried.

Dr. Jaden Crosby is just as age as I am. He just went to med. School early.

Luna: Im fine. I just-----

Dr. Crosby: Do you know that Jack will burn down this huge hospital if something happen to you under our watch?

Luna: Hey! My Jack wont do that.

And then she turn to us.

Luna: Oh, Hi, Doctors! 😊 I see you're three today.

Gab: Yeah, this two made me come to work extra early without asking if I had enough sleep to even function propely on my duty tonight.

Dr. Xavier: Im sure you can, Gab. Anyway, why are you alone?

Luna: Jack drove his Mom and our daughter home.

Gab: Your nurse will be dead if Jack finds out you took all of these machines out. Lets have them----

Luna: Can I be just transfered to a regular room?

Dr.Crosby: You need all this to monitor you. We cant transfer these equipment with you in a room so basically, this is your regular room.

Luna: Ugh..

We all help out to put back everything in order and soon, the calm beeping of monitor equipments are back to business.

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