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It was Saturday and Jack went out for a last minute meeting before we go fly back to Missouri.

Dreamy's running a baby fever and had been grumpy since we woke up in the morning. She wouldnt play with Night and only wants to be carried.

By 10am, I dress up the kids for a quick grocery run and to buy essentials for them.

When we reach the grocery, I let night rode the grocery cart but Dreamy refuse to do the same.

" Nooooo.."

She lay her head on my shoulder and remain silent. It was a real struggle carrying a healthy toddler while pushing the cart with a 4-year-old kid in it.

I just finished shopping for the kid's and ours essentials when we bump to someone. A dark haired tall man wearing eyeglasses.
He approach us while waiting for our turn in the counter.

" Are you alone?"

" Im not. Im with my kids, you see."

" Your kids???"

His tone made me look at him. His forehead creased and he's looking at Dreamy who's now looking at him too with bright eyes.

I was not able to answer because its our turn already in the counter. I thought he left but when I turn around after loading our stuffs in the car, he's there right behind us again. And Dreamy held her arms up to him.

" Unclew Sowl!"

" What?"

" Hi, little Moon. You miss the sun, arent you?"

He took Dreamy from me, and the little girl happily bounch on in his arms.

" Who are you?"

" Oh, yeah. Im Sol, Im the brightest brother of the Moon."

Okay. Im more confuse now. Its written on my face I guess because he laugh and then offer his hand for a hand shake.

" Im Sunlight Dale Alexander. Moonlight's elder brother."

I shook his hand briefly.

" Gabrielle Moses."

" You sounds familiar."


" Are you dating Jack? I dont think you're just a Nanny or some friend who help to look after my niece."


" Its okay. I had that figure out when my brother saw you in their house. "

He kiss Dreamy and gave her back to me.

" Its nice meeting you. I dont intend anything. I just plain saw you with my niece and we're missing her a lot. Please tell Jack my Dad's visiting tomorrow to see Dreamy. I'll go ahead."

He was two steps away when I spoke. I thought it was the right thing to do.

" We're leaving for Missouri tonight."


I can feel how uneasy everyone gets as time pass by. Dreamy's the only one breaking the ice. Talking non-stop to her grandfather and uncles.

" Yes! And Dweamy have new towys too!"

" Oh really? You must have been a very good girl."

" Yeah! Why awe youw haiw white, Gwanpy?"

" Because Im blonde. And you have a very nice dark hair. Just like your mommy."

The old man lovingly talk and look at his granddaughter. The longing in his eyes are almost heartbreaking.

" I have Mommy!"

Dreamy wiggle down from the old mans lap and run to me and climb up my lap.

" This! My Mommy!"

Everyone fell silent. Till Mr. Alexander clear his throat and spoke.

" Until when are you staying in Missouri?"

" We're settling down there, I guess."

The oldman nodded understandingly.

" I know we cant take away my grand daughter from you, Jack."

" ... "

" She's.... the only reminder that my Moonlight existed in this lifetime, I hope you understand the reason of all the chaos that happened after Moon died."

Jack nodded.

" You are starting a new life and that's fine. You're young and inlove. All I want to ask is that, let my grand daughter visit this old man when time allows."

" Yes, of course. You can visit her too in Missouri whenever you want. Luna would be happy to see you play with Dreamy."

We had dinner with the Alexanders before they send us off to the airport. They spend as much time as they have with Dreamy. Its a bit awkward but I can tell that these are kind hearted people. And its true when Jack said that Dreamy is their only Princess.


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