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I woke up to Night showering my face kisses.

" Hey, Baby. I missed you!"

" I missed you too, Mommy!"

" Look, Mommy, Daddy bought this."

He fish out something out of this shirt from his neck. It's a necklace. With a cresent moon shape pendant. It was the same necklace Dreamy wears. But hers' a full moon pendant.

" That's cute. Did you have fun with Daddy?"

" Yeah!"

" That's greate."

I glance at the wall clock and it says 4:30pm. Dreamy's still sleeping beside me.

" Where's Daddy?"

" Kitchewn. When is Dreamy goin' to wake up, Mommy?"

" Later. She had a long day so, dont wake her up, okay?"

" Owkey.."

" Play in your room for now and wait for your sistet to wake up."

" Yes, mommy."

I found Jack in the kitchen waiting for whatever in the pot boil.

" Hey.."

" Hi.."

I went to him and hug him from the back.

" I missed you."

" I missed you too, my queen. How's your day?"

" Well.."

" This day is so fulfilling. 😊 You should have seen how happy Night is. He laughs and giggles like he is the happiest boy in the world. And the joy that his laughters bring is the same joy I feel from Dreamy. You know, Gabrielle, Night is my son sent from heaven thru you."

" . . ."

" So, how was your day?"

I pull out and look at him.

" You look worried. What's wrong, sweetheart?"

I went on the other side of the island counter and decided to tell him what happened.

" What the F...-"

" Jack."

" What???? How do you want me to react??"

" Can you calm down??"

" How, Gabrielle?? She made it look like everything is okay! Everything is fine! That they understand---"

" They understand, Jack! Its just Madalyn----"

" Right! Madalyn who is your twin sister! She supposed to understand--- more than anyone."

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