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I smile thru my tears. Hearing her giggles and laughters are till the best music to mh ears. It always feels like yesterday when these video clips playing on the huge TV screen in front of me were recorded.

I always spend late nights watching these for the past 6 months. Aside from our daughter, these are the only thing that keeps me going.

" My awfully handsome Jack!"

That struck my heart. It still hurts that I wouldnt be hearing her say that personally.

" My brightest light.."


I woke up to little heavy chubby hands slapping my face.

" Im really considering making a diet guide for babies. My God, Dreamy! Those thick hands."

I said before snapping open my eyes and trapping my fluppy-chubby baby girl who is now squirming out.

" You dont wake up daddy and expect not to be cuddle up, Little Miss."

She squirm and giggles as I shower her with kisses and light squeezes.

This little girl keeps me going and make each passing day a little less painful.

We got up and I put her down her playpen inside our room. And then got my ukulele.

My little girl started bouncing excitedly on her feet when I sat infront of her. Our mornings are compose with giggles, kisses, cuddles and her most favorite, music.

Baby, now that I've found you
I won't let you go
I build my world around you
I need you so, baby even though
You don't need me now
Baby, now that I've found you
I won't let you go
I build my world around you
I need you so, baby even though
You don't need me
You don't need me no no (mm)..

" You like that??"

" Bab bab ba!"

" Its Dada! Not Baba!"

" Bab bab ba!"

" Youre Baba, and Im Dada."

" D-- "

" Come one, say it.. Da---da."

" D--- D--- Da--"

" Nana!"

" Nan---na!"

" Mommmm!"

" What?? Its not my fault if she wants Nana more than Dada."

My mom, who just walk in the room said before picking-up Dreamy.

" Arent' you busy today?"

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