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I feel anxious as time past by. We are all dressed up and ready. Just waiting for Jack to get back from his breakfast meeting.

" Is everybody ready?"

" Yeah! Awe we goin' to gwampy and gwanma, Daddy?"

" Yes. Are you excited, Night?"

" Uhuh!"

" How about my baby girl?? hmm?"

He went to Dreamy laying in the bean bag, looking so sleepy with her binky.

He pick up Dreamy and the girl smiled at him.

The way Jack look at Dreamy.. It was like he's seeing his entire world.

" Are you okay, Baby?"

Dreamy nodded and then buried her face on Jack's neck.

" She's still having a little fever."

" Do we need to set an appointment with her Doctor?"

" Hmmm.. Its still managable. I'll monitor."

" Okay, Doctor. 😉"

" 🙄 Lets go, before Night decide to throw a fit again."

Our drive is strangely quiet, only Night talking non-stop to the non-responding Dreamy.

" Night, your sister's not feeling anyone today. Stop annoying her."

" But I wamp to tawk to hew, Mommy!!"

" Later, son. Just let Dreamy be for now."

" But----"

" Midnight."

" Owkey, Mommy."

He sigh and turn to Dreamy.

" Get wew soon, owkey?"

He held Dreamy's hand.

" Night's going to be a very protective brother to Dreamy.."

" Yeah, just like you to Oli before."

" Hmmm.."

My parent's house is seven house away from Jack's parent's house. We will pass by it first. He slow down when we are about to pass the house.

" Do you want to stop by?"

He stop the car right in-front of the house across the street.

" Nahhh.. maybe tonight. I want to give this day to your family."

" 😊 okay."

My reunion with my family is not what I expected. I think of a more stiff and awkward atmosphere but it's not. Our elder brother didnt make it because of an emergency business trip. My twin sister Madalyn and younger sister Cassey are present. Madalyn have twin boys that are of Night's age while Cassey's engage.

Both are gushing over Dreamy and Night.

Madalyn: Awww, I wish one of my boys have dark hair too. Hi, little girl..

She tried to get Dreamy from Jack, but Dreamy turned to me with her puppy eyes and pouting lips. And held up her arms to me.

Dreamy: Mommy.. 🥺

Madalyn: Awwww.. she's so cuteeee..

Gabrielle: You're scarring her. Hey, baby..

Jack: She's not in the mood because of her fever.

Cassey: Look at her hair.. pretty dark and smooth. She doesnt have anything from you  Jack. 😆

Jack: She got my name, thank you very much.

Madalyn: And you, what's your name little guy?

She asked Night who's now in Jack's arms.

Night: Im Midnight Jayd Mowses.

Madalyn: Midnight. Hi! Im Madalyn Moses, your favorite Aunt because, Im your Mommy's twin. 😊

Cassey: And Im your most awesome Aunt Cassey.

Mom: And Im your beautiful Nana.

My Mom came out from the kitchen wearing her apron.

Dreamy suddenly bolted up and turn to my Mom.

Dreamy: Nana!!

She wiggle down and run to my Mom.

Mom: Hello there little girl.

Dreamy: Nana! ☺️

But before my mom can pick her up, my Dad suddenly came here and pick up Dreamy.

Dad: How about Grampy?

Dreamy: Hi! 😊

Dreamy smiled to my Dad shyly.

Madalyn: Awwww.. she's so cutttee.

Dad: Do you like, Grampy?

Dreamy: Yeah. But I wike Nana!

Mom: You heard that dont you? Come to Nana, sweetheart.

And then Mom got her from my Dad.

Night: Me too! Me too! I wamp Nana!

Mom: Oh you do? come here you handsome little guy.

And then there goes our little charmers, charming their way my mom's kitchen.

It was a well spend day with my family. Dreamy and Night had fun playing with everyone who are all spoiling them. Both are knock out asleep on our way back home.


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