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Night and Dreamy are both quiet while Gabrielle and I prepare breakfast. Even while eating their fill.

Gabrielle and I exchange looks and stay quiet too while eating and feeding the kids.

Dreamy is staring blankly when she started humming one of her favorite song. Singing some lyrics in-between humming.

" What's that song?"

Gab ask quietly.

" Ugh, its one of her favorite song. Love Virus."

" Is that--"

" A korean song."

" I knew it! I heard it once when Julia visited me. "

" Julia? You mean, Julia-Saudd?"

" Yes. She's into Korean Dramas and Boy groups and so much more."

" Ah.. Yeah. I remember. Moonlight is addicted to these Korean Dramas and their ost's. When she was pregnant, she always listen to korean ost's. Im thinking that, Dreamy got her korean songs obsession because of that."

" Does she understand the lyrics though?"

" ahuh.."

" What? You mean.."

" Yes. She's tri-lingual."

" Really?????"

" English, Korean and Mandarin. She have korean language class every Saturday and Mandarin every Thursday."

" Wow.. I mean, does she have to?"

" It was planned I guess.. Moonlight can speak 4 languages. English, Korean, Mandarin and Filipino. "

" 😶 "

" She even know a little Italian.."

" Thats---"

" Dweamy is sow pwetty!"

Night suddenly burst out, making the three of us loom at him.

" What did you say, buddy?"

Night poited at Dreamy and giggle and said:

" Pwetty!"

" Oh yeah? You like her?"

" Yeah! sistew!"

" You better like her as a sister, Midnight. Not the other way around."

" Jack!"

After we ate, Dreamy drag me to the living room where my ukulele is and sat on the carpet floor and then look at me expectantly. But that was short because she ran to Gabrielle and drag her and Night in the living room too. Making them sat with.

" Oh, you want them to join?"

" Yeah!"

" Is this your time with.."

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