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She wiped her tears after shutting of her laptop. Hearing how heartbroken he is made her want to go back running to him but.. what happened, happened for a reason right? It maybe painful now, but she'll get through. And she knows that he will too.

His last words on the video he posted on their couple Youtube channel still lingers in her mind.

I will always be greatful for the rubber duckin' army! You made this journey so worth it. This is you Daddy duck, Jack from JackandGab, signing off.

Almost five years of being together, all went out to drain.

Gab fixed herself and get up quickly to get dressed. She just have to see him one last time before he flew to New York tonight. His sister, Olivia called her and told her that Jack is leaving  for New York tonight and might stay there for long of not for good.


His mother hug him tight as he say goodbye to her and his father and only sister.

' Why are hurting yourselves this much when all you have to do is talk, Jack? '

He stay quiet and listening to all his parents have to say. His sister is all quiet too. She is the last one to hug him.

' Jack??'

' Hmm?'

' If you really want to go, dont look at your left.'

' Hmmm?'

' Im sorry. I told Gab your leaving tonight. She's hiding but I know even she hide between thousands of people you will still see her. So if you really want to go, just turn your back and walk away.'

' I love her so much it hurts.. '

' I know..'

' Please get her when Im gone.'

' Take care, Jack. And dont get married if its not Gab. Okay?'

' Then you should start saving for my nursing home in the future.'

' Yeah, maybe I should.'



" Gabbbbb!"

" Huh??"

I turn down my fone quickly when Yumi suddenly barged in my office clinic. She is with Menggay. These two had been my constant since I decided to focus on my school until we graduated and become Specialists Doctors.

M: You're spacing out!

G: Hmm. What are you doing here?

Y: We're just passing by to check on you.

G: Are Jin and Rj wont pick you out today? Its 5pm.

Y: They're out for late meetings.

These two are both happily married. Yumi is half-way expecting her first born with husband, Jin. And Menggay is a mother of a two-year-old toddler with her husband Rj.

Y: Gab?

G: Hmmm?

M: Have you heard the news?

G: What about?

Y: Our New York conference will be next week.

G: Hmmm..

M: Are you not excited? That's one week worth of vacation!

Y: Jin and Rj are going too! They will meet a new business partner there!

G: Is that their long lost bestfriend?

M: Yeah. We're suppose to set you up on a date with him but you refuse and now, he's married. We didnt even got the chance to know his name.

G: Good for him.

Y: Are you planning be an old maid?

M: Or you're still waiting for Jack?


- Jack -

I stood in the doorway of our kitchen and feed my eyes with the beautiful sight. It has been a year since I gets to wake up with this and I can say that, this maybe far from what I had planned 8 years ago, still, this is what I am praying to last.

Bright black orbs catches my eyes that made my heart dance its happy beat.

" Rise and shine, my Love! "

She smiled brightly. Sunrays from our windows illuminating her simple beauty. Luna, my wife.

" Good morning, my Moonlight. The sun is out but my Luna is still the brightest light."

She cringe her nose when she heard her name.


" Let's eat! you've promised to tour me around right?"

" Haha! Love, you'd stayed her longer than I am. Why do you keep on asking me to tour you around? "

" 🙄 You're an American. FYI, Mr. Brinkman."

" I grew up in Missouri, MRS. Brinkman. FYI."

" 😑"

" 😆 Okay, okay! "

I live for days like this. When I can spend as much time I can with her.

" I just want to spend time with your while its still just the two of us."

I smiled and look at her baby bump.

Right. Two more months and we will be three.



Yumi and Maine are fetch by their husbands in the convention venue after the first session. I told them I want to catch some sleep so the let me be. Those two always wants to bring me anywhere even that would mean their dinner date, shopping date and movie date with their partners would be interupted.

I decided to have a cup of coffee in the small coffee shop near our hotel and people watch.

" Luna!"

I dont know if its real. Or my mind is just playing tricks with my ears again or its just one of those days when Im missing him so much but, I actually kinda heard Jack's voice. It like more deep. More masculine.

I search my eyes everywhere and they landed on the pregnant lady whose giggling happily and sprinting towards the man who had his back on  her. But when she was about to a step away from the man, he turns and catch her.

My world stop on its track and my heart gave a loud thud that I actually press my hand on my chest and pat it to calm my heart.

It was him!

My Jack..

' I wont be surprise if our baby would be confuse. By this time, he might be thinking if she's really a human or a kangaroo. You always run and jump.!'

' Sorry! ✌️'

They we're so close to where I am but he is just so focus with her to even notice me.

I am lost with my thoughts while walking back to the Hotel.

I will never forget how happy he looks. How contented he is. And how in-love they are.



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