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- Gab -

I feel nervous and excited at the same time as I fix night's sleep coat. It was a windy and chilly night.

" What awe we doin' hewe, Mommy?"

" We're meeting someone."

" Its cowd. I want sleep."

" Just---"

" Gabrielle!"

I look up and saw Jack. Seeing him in flesh after almost two years is something I never thought would happen.

" Daddy Jack!"

" Eyyy. Bud!"

" Is you! Daddy Jack!"

He pick up Night.

" Well, yeah, me."

" Whewe's Dweamy?"

" She's in the car."

I push our luggage cart to the car because Night dont want to be put down.

I saw Dreamy sleeping in her carseat while I buckle up Night on his own carseat that Jack  seat up quickly.

" Why is Dweamy, sleeping, Mommy?"

" Because its night time."

" But am not sweepy!"

" He must be jetlagged."

" He's hyper. Super."

" Well, he's a boy."

When we got to their house, we first get the kids inside. Now both sleeping. Before Jack help me with our luggages.

Their house isnt that huge and not small. iT was just right in size and very cozy. Minimalist and neat. The fairy lights on the ceiling created a dreamy vibe.

" Your house is so homey."

" And very child-proof because.."

He pointed his daughter.

" Yeah, it should."

" I'll just bring these to your room. I'll be back."

I hop in the playpen where Dreamy and Night are sound asleep.

This is the first time I get to see Dreamy up close again. She's pretty adorable. A little Jack through and through.

Her jet-black soft hair though. She got it from her mother.

" She got it from Moonlight."

It was Jack who hop in the playpen and lay down beside Dreamy and cuddle her.

" Moonlight is, half asian. She's a Filipino-American."

" Ow.. That's why Maine always say that your wife is a half."

" Maine?"

" Maine. You dont remember? Maine Faulkerson. Dreamy's doctor."

" Ah, yeah. Dr. Faulkerson."

" She's a Filipino-American too."

" I kinda thought of that. I mean, my late wife is one so, I kinda.. know."

" I get you."

" Are you hungry? I was so excited youre coming I didnt get to have my dinner."

" What do you have?"

He lead me to the kitchen and I sat on the high stood of the island counter as he prepare the spread he prepared.

There was pasta and maki and a quarter of roasted chicken with mashed potato.

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