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" Dreamy Jarielle!! oh.my.Gods!!! You're mother must be so devastated in heaven right now!"

Jack said to his completely innocent and adorable daughter sitting on the island counter in the kitchen.

When we got to their house, we left the two kids in Dreamy's nursery/playroom to play while we prepare some snack for our movie night. But about 30 minutes later, Midnight came to us saying:

" Dweamy cuwt hew haiwr!"

I cant hold my giggle anymore looking at the father-daughter situation.

Jack looking so devastated and Dreamy looking so confuse and clueless.

I got the scissors Jack's holding, which is the same scissor Dreamy used to cut her hair.

" Close your eyes, baby. We'll gonna fix your hair."

Dreamy stay still and close her eyes. Good things she just cut her hair a little not too short. After I fix it, she now have a straight cut bangs and look absolutely 10x fold cuter.

" Look at you. You're 10 times cuter now."

" Weally??"

" Yeah.. So dont cut your hair again okay? And dont play with scissors. These are for grown ups."

" Owkey."

" I wish I have a dark hair too.."

I said absent-mindedly while fixing her soft shinny hair.

" Mommy! I hawve dawk haiw too!"

Night said, his hands over his head.

" Yes you have, and you look absolutely handsome, my Love. Now go back to the playroom and wait for us so we can watch movie."

I put down Dreamy from the counter and the two run back to the playroom.

Jack is silently transfering the corndogs on the plate.

" I remembered my Mom told me that Cassey and I once cut each other's hair when we were little. That was a funny memory because growing up, there's a silent agreement that we dont touch each other's hair."

" Yeah?"

" Yes. I think once in every little girl's life, they cut their own hair."

He's still silent while I pour freshly squeezed fruit juice on Dreamy and Night's sippy cups.

" Her hair will eventually grow. Dont be upset."

He sigh, sat on the bar stool facing me.

" Dreamy never had a hair cut ever since she was born. I trained myself on how to tie little girl's hair so I can do it for Dreamy. She doesnt have a mother to do it for her so I tried my best. "

" Her hair is neatly tied everytime you send me a picture of her thou."

" I trained myself well I guess."

" You did a good a job, Jack. And you're doing great. "

He smiled. Stood up and held my hands. Stare at me and then pull me in for a hug. Buried his face on the crooke of my neck.

I let him and hug him as tight.

" It was hard raising her alone. Feeling all the anxiety and fear of failing. I still fear that one day, I might loose her like how I loose Moonlight. "

" Your daughter is perfectly healthy, Jack. You need to relax. "

" I know. Its just that the last time I relaxed and trust that everything is going to be fine, everything fell apart. "


" This feels nice.. I cant remember how it feels like to be held like this anymore."

" Jack.."

" Hmmmm?"

" Are you...--"

" Gabrielle.."


I didnt know how it happens. When did it start. And how is it even happening.

I just found myself seated on the island counter with Jack standing between my legs and heavily making out.

We're barely out of our shirts when we heard foot steps running toward the kitchen.

" Mommmmy!!!"

It was Night!

I push Jack and jump off the counter. He quickly wore his shirt and almost run to get Night so he wouldnt come to the kitchen while I fix myself.

I heard Jack talking to the kids while I fix myself.

I couldnt calm my heart. Its beating fast.

There is a mini multi media room in Jack's house. It has 4 fluffy movie chairs with cup holders on the side. Huge screen and dim lights. It looks exactly like a mini theater.

Dreamy and Night are cozyly seated in the first two seats in front and Jack and I took the second row at the back. The two are watching engrosely wrapped withe their own favorite blankets.

While Jack and I cuddles silently. We fit ourselves in one sit and left the other one empty.

" Gabrielle.."

" Hmmm?"

" Can we.. work this out?'

" What?"

" Us? "

He took my hand and entwin it with his.

" Years of grieving and healing made me realize that, there are things that we shouldnt wait to happen. We should make it happen. I still talk to the moon every night. Trying to figure out what purpose I still have in this world aside from making sure my daughter is well love and raised. And then you called one day. -----"

" Can we skip all the drama and go straight to the point, Jack? I still love you as much. Do you----"

" I love you, Gabrielle. I think God gifted me with two hearts so I fell inlove with Moonlight while you occupy the other heart on your own. "


Are you ready for the comeback video, Rubber Duck'n Army???

Well, atleast here.. 😅 with Dreamy and Midnight of course.

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