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Gabrielle and I sat in the carpeted floor of our room. Soarting stuffs from the box my Mom sent us. It contains our old merch as youtube couples, old pictures and cameras. All things that we own back when we wete still 'JackandGab' of youtube. Laughing and reminising.

" Hey, you remember this?"

It was my first love letter for her. Still smoothly folded.

" That's the first letter you gave me on our first anniversary!"

" Yeah.. You gave this back when we broke up."

" Yeah.."

She got it from me and open it.

" My Gabrielle, it has been 365 days since we made it official. 365 days of blissful days and adventure with the sweetest and the best girl in the world of YOUTUBE and reality. I just want you to know that, the past year was the best year of my life. Having to share it with you is a God sent gift. Thank you for being you and giving me more than I need. I cant promise you the world for now, but I promise to watch the stars with you through and through until you grew tired watching them. I hope and I pray that what we have will last till the end of time. Because I dont know how to be 'Jack' anymore without 'Gab'. I love you, my Gabrielle. Happy 1st anniversary, my queen. Love, your Jack."

" I was once a sweet boy, right?"

She became quiet and just re-reading the letter thru her eyes. Until a single tear roll down her left cheek.

" Hey.."

She laugh and wipe her tear and then fold the paper. And look at me.

" I cant wait for you to hear my wedding vows, Jack. I have in drafted in my head."

" Are you going to make me cry?"

" Of course I will. 😉"

" I cant wait either then, Sweetheart."

It was 5 days before our big day. Everything is ready. Everyone are excited. And I just cant wait.

We went thru more old polaroid pictures of us until a gold-metal usb fell from a small velvet pocket. Gabrielle pick it up.

" What's this?"

She run her thumb on the letter engrave in the middle.

" JMB"

She read.

I got it from her. And then connect it in our smart TV.

A same day edit video started to play. It shows the aisle decorated with white pillars, flowers and furry carpet. The priest and his assistant waiting at the altar, smiling. The church is empty sans the Flowers, candles, fancy decorations and me waiting at the middle of the aisle. The scene was beautifully shoot, and the there goes the double doors of the church opening. Sunlight illuminating the insides of the church with natural lights and with that light, in a broad day light, the Moon walk down to me, shining brighter than the sunlight. With our choosen wedding song in the background.

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