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It was a cold and windy mid morning in Missouri when we disembarked the plane. I was carrying Night because the boy fell asleep while my littel girl is hyping at the moment. talking and pointing everywhere she find interesting.

" Oh my God, Dreamy! Stop squiiirmiiing."

Gabrielle said and then pick up Dreamy so she wont run.

" I wamp there, Mommy!"

" Later. We need to get our things first, okay?"

" But---"

" Dreamy."

I warned.

She pout and hide her face on Gabrielle's neck.

" Its okay. We'll go anywhere you like after we settle in our apartment. You like that?"

" Yeah.."

She silently said still hiding her face. This little girl doesnt like being reprimanded.

It was a little over 4pm when we reach our apartment.

It has a one car garage down the main house. Two rooms, a spacious living area, a kitchen with dining table and a two seater veranda.

We ordered take outs and eat. Both kids are in low spirit and fell asleep after Gabrielle gave them baths. We spend the next few hours putting away our things in the walk in closet. I was in charge of the kid's things. We decided to have the 2nd bed room convert to a playroom/activity area for the kids. And put kiddie beds for them too. For the meantime, they will be staying with us in the masters bedroom.

We finised at exactly 6pm. All sweating and tired.

" I used to fix your things and wash and fold your clothes before im your apartment but I never been this tired."

Gabrielle complained while we share a bowl of left over green salad.

" I never thought that Dreamy and Night will occupy 60% of the walk in closet."

" Kids have more than they need."

" .... "

" Jack.."

" Hmmm?"

" Are you .. ready?"

" I better be.. Beacuse we're here."

" Are we really ready this time?"

" We are. Gabrielle. We have too."

" Im a little scared."

" Why?"

" We have little kids to protect, Jack. This is a total different than before---"

He gently  grab me for a hug.

" We're parents now, Sweetheart. That makes it different but doesnt make us less better. We can do this together."

Gabrielle is having this anxieties even before. Somethings doesnt change I guess.

The kids woke up at 7pm. And since everything is settled already, we decided to take them out for dinner. Having our apartment ready even beforewe fly here makes it more convinient for us to settle. All we did was put our personal things in the closet and not, have run in the grocery for the pantry after the kids had their dinner.

Our drive going back home is a little livelier with the kids singing in the backseat fasten on their carseats.

I glance at Gabrielle and at the rear view mirror. This isnt how I imagine my future with Gabrielle when I was just 21 years old. But I am sure that, this is better than the things I just wish and imagine before.

Their happy giggles surrounding the four corners of this cars make my world a little more brighter.


I took a moment to stop and just stare at these two little humans giggling and singing the songs that play in our car. Somehow, the sound of their giggles, their sweet little gestures made the pain of our past all worth it.

I held Jack's hand when we entered our apartment's garage.

He look at me and smiled.

And that moment I realized, he's right.

dont have to be scared because we can do this together this time. We have each other to hold and two more little humans, of course.

" Jack?"

" hmm??"

" Lets get married.."

He's a little confuse at first but when what I said sink in, his eyes glimmers.

" Yeah, we should. But can we advance the honeymoon first?"


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