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I really dont know what to feel while zipping up the last luggage we're packing. I stop counting the years since I left Missouri and now, Im going back home.

I can still remember how sad my Mom whenever we talk over videocalls for my first two years here in New York. No wonder she's so in-love with Luna now because, she will be seeing his only son again tomorrow all thanks to her charming daughter-in-law who convinced me to go home.

" A penny for your thoughts, my Love?"

" I was just thinking if we can name our daughter Yorkie since she was made here."

"🙄 Dont you even think of that, Jack."

" I was just wondering. Well, all is good now. We can drive to the hotel so we wont miss our flight tomorrow."

" Ahm, can we just stay here? I promise to wake up in time tomorrow. "

" Okay??? what do you have in mind?"

" Can we walk around for the last time here? I'll miss New York."

" We can always go back here from time to time."

" I know but.. please?"

" Owkey.. owkey.. Now, where do we start?"

She smile so bright and my heart melted. Just staring at her bright smile makes my heart calm.

" Why are you starring at me like that?"

" I love you so much, my Luna.."

" And I love you too.. I love you more.. I am just so thankful we've met. I may not be your greatest love, still.. I call myself your soulmate.."

" Yeah.. And I think that's how life goes for the two of us.. Soulmates who found each other and grow old together."

We leisurely walk around time square hand in hand. Throwing silly remarks with each other and laughing and giggling.

😊 This is what my life is with my Luna. Full of laughters and giggles. And I wouldnt trade it for the world.

" Jack?"


" Is Gabrielle still you greatlove?"

Alright. That was random. But this is Luna. She speaks what's on her mind.

" Maybe.. She's my first love and all. So I guess.. its a yes? Why'd you asked?"

" Have you ever think of what it feels like to be with your greatest love? Rather than---"

" I rather be with my soulmate, Luna. "

" Hmmmm.. You know.. Its a different kind of joy.. being with your greatest love."

I stop on my tract and face her.

" How would you-----"

I stare at her smiling face. And it down on me.

" No way!"

" Doesnt mean we declare that we're each other's soulmate, you cant be my greatest love, right?"

" Is that even possible? Does that mean, youre--"

" Its how you see it on your own, Jack. In your case, I might be your soulmate as we claimed it, but a part of you always belongs to your greatest love. In my case, I got lucky to have both in one person, and that is you.."


I held Luna's hand a little tight as we wait for my parents to fetch us here at the airport.

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