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Its the weekend and Jack fetch me from my night shift duty. We had our sunrise date before heading back home to the kids who were left with the cleaning lady that comes Friday afternoon and will leave Saturday morning. She'll do our laundry and clean the house because Jack and I are always busy with work and the kids, so doing chores in the house are being set aside. Because a messy house will make Jack so mad.

The kids are still asleep when we arrive. All spread out in our bed looking all cuddly. They make me more sleepy.

" Go take a bath and sleep sweetheart."

" Yeah. Can you make the kids breakfast today? Im so tiredddd."

" Yeah sure. Go."

I took a nice warm bath dried myself and then wore one of Jacks oversize hoody. He's not in the room as well as Night in the bed. Its only Dreamy whose now quietly staring at the ceiling.

" Good morning, little moon.."

She turn her head to me and immediately smile when she saw me.

Little Moon. That's what Jack and Moonlight's family call her most of the time. And it kinda stuck to me too.

She got up and held her arm to me. This sweet sweet girl loves to be carried always.

I carry her out of the room and found the boys having pancakes in the kitchen Island.

Night: Good morning, Mommy! 😚

Gabrielle: Good morning, Baby. 😙

Jack: And good morning my princess.

Dreamy: Goo 'mornin, Daddy!

Jack: How about you come here to Daddy and eat? Mommy needs to sleep.

Dreamy: Why? Its mornin!

Dreamy asked frowning her perfectly shapes browse looking at Jack.

Jack: Because, she worked all night so we need to let Mommy sleep now.

Dreamy: But---

Night: Its owkey, Dweamy. We play while Mommy sleep.

But our little girl is not having any of the boy's words.

Dreamy: I wamp to eat with Mommy. 🥺

And who would have the heart to say no to those eyes?

Gabrielle: Are you going to cry now, my love? Aww, okay. Lets eat first before Mommy sleeps.

Dreamy: 😊 owkay, Mommy!

Night and Dreamy loves this times when they can have us both at the same time. Their giggles and innocent questions made my tiredness go away all the time.

" Sometimes, I wish that they stay this little."

" Yeah. Because someday, they wont be kissing Daddy and ask for Mommy."

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