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We opened all of Dreamy's gifts the night after her dedication. There was so much but it was fun sorting baby stuffs with Luna. She has a say to everything!😊

" We dont need to buy Dreamy clothes for the next six months with all of these."

" Yeah. And we're gonna pay a huge  excess baggage fee if we decided to go back to New York."

" 😆 Yeah. She has a lot of stuff for a two-month-old. "

" Ah, I found that apartment you want. "

" Really? Can we look at it tomorrow?"

" Yeah sure. Though I still prefer a real house."

" We already have a house in New York."

" Buy if we're staying here for long or for good, we should atleast considering ---"

" We can talk about that some other time. 😊"

" Okay. Anyway, its late and we need to to turn in. You're so good at diverting my attention."

" 😅 okay."

We can cuddle freely because Dreamy's sound asleep in her co-sleeper.

" Jack?"

" Hmmm?"

" I love you.."

" I love you more.."

" You know what? Im so happy today. Having your family and my family complete in one place is hard but today, we did. All thanks to you."

" I just returned the favor. You make me so much happy so, I want to do the same. I just wish your Mom and Dad can stay a little longer so we can spend more time with them too."

" Its okay. They made time for today and that's more than enough for me. "

" Hmmmm.."

" Thank you for everything, Jack. You've given me so much love and happiness since we started to be together until this day. "

" Because that's what I promised you. And thats what you deserve and that's what I'll never be tired to give you everyday, I'll love you even more and do my best to make you happy. Because you gave me a new world where I saw my worth as a person and as someone who's deserving to be love so much."

" ....... I hate that you always know what to say."

" And I hate that you always talk to me like this will be the last time you can say those to me, Luna."

And my ever crazy of a wife giggles.

" Because we cant live on a same day twice, Jack. What we felt like saying today must be told. We can never know if we can still say that tomorrow if we decided to dont do it today."


When I woke up, Luna was lullying our daughter in her arms beside the window. Luna deep in thoughts.

I discreetly took a picture of them.

Luna and Dreamy are the picture of my whole life.

" Good morning!"

She turn to me, ready with a bright smile on her face.

" Good morning, Daddy!"

" Come cuddle. You're up so early."

" Dreamy woke up crying so I fed her."

She lay down the sleeping Dreamy on her crib and then lay down with me to cuddle.

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