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I stare at Gabrielle and took that moment to contemplate everything and myself.  I still dont know if this is the right time for us but, this is what I wanted now. This is what I want to see in the future. This is the perfect time we once wished.

" I hope you're not plotting a prank while starring at me, Jack."

I smiled and pull her in my chest where she snuggle. We stayed like that till Dreamy squeeze herself between us and Night pull his Mommy from the back.

" I think we need to train these two sleep on their own room soon."

" Yeah. That's a goooood idea."

" I wamp wice and sauwsage, Daddy."

" Okay, Princess. Daddy got you."

I pepper my little girl with kisses until Gabrielle and Night join and we all end up gasping for air after attacking the two kids with smoochies.

" She's quite a heavy eater."

Gabrielle said as we sat in the center island and having our breakfast. Both Dreamy and Night having their rice meal with sausage.

" Yeah, I got used to having heavy meals when Moonlight and I started dating. She's a part Asian. A Filipino to be exact so rice meal is a staple food for her. Dreamy eat what I eat so, even when I got back to mu regular meals, she will always ask for rice."

" Night is heavy eater too."

" He's half Indian, and born there so, ---"

" Yeah, rice everyday. Curries, and vegetables, chiken. All he like more when spicy."

We unconciously look at the two who are enjoying their meal.

" I think we'll have to just deal with this."

" Yeah.."

" Mowe wrice, Daddy!!"

Days passed like a blurr. It has been a month already since Gabrielle and Night stayed with us.

It was pure bliss being a family of four. Taking care of each other, having meals together, doing groceries together, playing in the park together.

" Gabrielle?"

" Hmmm?"

We're watching netflix while cuddle up here in Dreamy's playpen in her playroom. The two kids already asleep in the other room.

" I never thought I would be this happy again."

" I never thought this day would still come either. Though I always pray for this miracle to happen."

" Part of me is saying we are doing this wrong."

" What do you mean?"

" Dont you want to get married?"

" Are you proposing?"

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