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- Gabrielle -

It two hours past my shift but Im still in my clinic here in the Hospital. Eversince Jack's wife's operation, I started to have this feeling of anxiety. She survive the operatuon but I cant tell for sure of she can still recover. For now, she's stable because of the life support. I dont know why I have this feeling of responsibility. I feel so responsibke of everything that could happen to her.

" Earth to Gabrielle??"

" Huh?"

It was Maine.

" You're spacing out. And, its 8pm. Arent you out at 6pm?"

I slump down my chair.

" I hate this feeling.."

" You did your job. Anything that will happen beyond that isnt your fault. Besides, I think she's doing good. So, why are you so worried, Dr-how-never-fails??"

" Exactly! What if I fail this time???"

" Oh my Gosh, Gabrielle! Stop being so negative!"

She said slumping on the chair infront of my table and started scribbling on my yellow stickynotes.

" Whatever happen to her isnt your fault, Gab. You did your job well, you had revieve her two times! If were'nt for you, she's gone now. If were'nt for you, Mr. Brinkman is widowed now. And if were'nt for you, Little Dreamy dont have a mother now."

She said absent mindedly, completely lost in her thoughts while scribbling the word 'Dreamy' on the sticky note with tiny clouds drawn on the background of the word Dreamy.

" What's that?"

" Hmmm? Its Dreamy."

She tore the sticky note on the pad and stick it on the bottom of my MAC's screen. And then open the Patients Info clip board she's handling.

" Dreamy Jarielle."

" Huh?"

" Well, today, Baby Brinkman was given a name."

" .... "

" Mr. Brinkman named their Baby girl, Dreamy Jarielle. Sounds familiar right?"

" Ja-Rielle???? are yoh kidding me???"

She put down her board and present it to me.

Dreamy Jarielle Brinkman, indeed!

" What the fuck??"

" What me to say more???"

She ask quite ammuse.

- Maine's flashback-

" Im sorry?"

" That's her name. Dream.."

" Ow--kay. That's sounds quite heavenly. Is that it? I will file her papers today."

" Ahm.. My wife wants her to have a second name like her."

" Dream Yzabelle, doesnt it sounds weird? Hehe.. I mean..--"

" No, I mean, she just want her to have a second name, not thay we will name our daughter after her. And our name combinations that we think of are pretty weird. You know, Jack and Moonlight Yzabelle. Ja-Moon? Jack-Light? Ja-belle?  See? "

" *giggles* so, what name did you come up with?"

" Dreamy Jarielle."

" Okay, let me write it ... down.. --- What is it again? Dreamy??"

" Dreamy Jarielle."

" Ow-key. Sounds familiar. I'll write it down. Are you sure?"

" Of course. That second name was decides by my wife."

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