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The fine sand and the air breeze in the beach is relaxing. Lounging in this love seat in the veranda of our hotel room over looking the sea is my fav. spot since we got here two days ago.

We didnt actually hit by a Jetlag. We hit the beach immediately when we arrived and then tour around and tried water activities. Its oit third day and we decided to relax and stay in for today. Plus Night's in facetime since we got up this morning. Hawaii is 5 hours behind Missouri so, its 11am here.

Jack: Night, dont give your Nana a hard time.

Lucy: They have been angels, dont worry. Night is just missing Mommy and Daddy extra today.

Gabrielle: Did my Mom called? They will pick up the kids tomorrow.

Lucy: Yeah, we we're just talking this morning.

Night: Mommy! when are you going home?

Gabrielle: Why? You miss Mommy?

Night: Yeah! and Daddy! And Dreamy's sad too because she miss you too.

Jack: Just Four more sleep, buddy.

Night: Owkey!

Night finally run away when Jack's Dad came.

Lucy: These kids are not used to not seeing you two.

Gabrielle: I miss them too..

Jack: How's my princess?

Lucy: She's okay. Been eating extra and always sleeping.

Jack: Mom, please make sure she stick to her diet.

Lucy: She is. I think her appetite just grow a little ... big.


Gabrielle: Jack?

Jack: Hmm?

Gabrielle: I miss the kids.

Jack: Me too.

Gabrielle: Maybe we can make ourselves a little more busy so we can make the most of our vacation.

Jack: Yeah.. There is this bar we pass by yesterday. Wanna try?

Gabrielle: Sure.

-- Author --

They went to this small bar serving frozen drinks with booze that are to die for and Gabrielle enjoyed it a little too much than Jack.

Jack choose to be the sober one though. He likes it when Gabrielle let loose once in a while. This carefree, naughth side of her that he can only see when she had too much of what she can handle.

It was almost 6pm when Jack brought here to the near by coffee shop and have coffee to sober his wife up a bit.

Gabrielle: We can just go back to our room and... You know..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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