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Night and I boredly sigh. Gabriella and Dreamy are having their fitting for their dress in our wedding next month.

Though watching both giggles while trying ready to wear gowns and dress sounds like heaven to me, these waiting game aint no fun for me and our boy.

Gabrielle: What do you think of this, Jack?

Gab ask, wearing a ballgown now. Its lacey and fits her perfectly.

Jack: Even if you wear nothing, you're still beautiful in my eyes, Gabrielle.

Gabrielle: Jack!

Jack: What?? Come on! You asked, I just say what's on my mind.

Dreamy: Me! me, Daddy! Pwincess!

Said our little girl wearing the exact same design of what Gab is wearing.

Jack: You're my princess even if you just wear a diaper, baby girl.

Dreamy: 🙄

Gabrielle: See? Even Dreamy doesnt get you. Come on sweetheart, let's change back. I think I knew what I like.

Night: What takin' them so longggg, Daddy?

Night whined.

Jack: That's a girl thing, son. And always remember that its okay to be bored. As long as its Mommy and your sister you are waiting.

Night: Okay, Daddy.

After they change, the designer started to get Dreamy's measurements for her dress for the adjustments. While Gabrielle assists Dreamy, the door of the shop open and someone I really dont want to see of all people in the world step in.
It was Luke. Gab's ex. Rumors said that they've been together for two months after we break up. But didnt work. Gabrielle broke up with him. My sister, Olivia told me.

Jack: Night?

Night: Yeah?

Jack: You know that man?

Night: Hmm? No.

Jack: He likes your Mommy.

Night: Huh??

Jack: You see, when Mommy and I are apart, he met that guy and--

Night: But youw my Daddy! and Mommy said, she loves yow, Daddy.

Jack: Exactly. So we need to stop him from---

Night: He's talking to Mommy.

And damn boy he's right. That... that son of a..... went straight to my Gabrielle.

Luke: Gabrielle??

Gabrielle:...... ? 🙄 Luke? Hi.

Luke: You're back. 😊 I missed----

He was about to hug Gabrielle but we have a back up right there.

Dreamy: No!!!!! 🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️

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