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Its been days since we got back here in Missouri. We're staying at my parents house while we look for a house. My parents are insisting that we stay though.

" Jack? Can you bring me to Target?"

" I thought you dont feel good? How are you feeling?"

My Luna had been under the weather for the past two days. She's looking pale too but she insist that she's fine.

" Im fine.."

" Nah-ah. You dont look fine to me."

" Promise Im fine. I just---"

" Okay-okay. We'll go later. Just rest for now. I'll just go with Dad to get some stuff for Olivia's wedding tomorrow. Mom is gone to run some errands too so please stay here and wait for me, okay?"

" Okay."


When I saw the car drove off the street, I immediately fix myself and hired a cab. I had been feeling so weak the past days because of this pain in my chest and I'm starting to get scarred.

I was sweating a lot but feeling cold when I reach the emergency. I can feel my heart beating so fast and its making me more anxious.

" Hi there."

It was a female doctor.

" Hi. "

I weakly said.

" How can I help you? What do you feel? Do you feel contractions?"

She started feeling my baby bump.

" No.."

" Huh?"

I barely manage to speak because I get more anxious. I tap my chest. I started to feel dizzy all of a sudden and I cant breathe. I got the piece of paper in my pocket and gave  it to her. It has my information and my condition.

" Oh my god! Call  Dr. Moses! Now!"

I heard the Doctor's panic voice before I pass out.

I woke up with oxygen sticking in my nosetrills and an IV line on my hand.

I close my eyes and compose myself.

" Are you awake?"

I look at my side and saw two Doctors.

I remember the Doctor attended to me and the other one is Gabrielle.

I tried to sit but Gabrielle is quick to stop me.

" Oh, No, no, no. You need to stay."

" Im okay."

" You're not!"

" What time is it?"

" Its 7:30 in the evening."

" Please give me a waiver to sign so I can go home."

" What??"

The other Doctor intervine.

" Hi, Mrs. Brinkman! Im Dr. Yumi Cha. Im the resident OB-Gyne here. "

" ..... "

" Your condition is considered high-risk pregnancy. You need proper care medically rather than living like normal. You're life and you're baby's life is at risk.--"

" I'd been given heads-up from my Doctor in New York. Thank you. But I can take it from here. Please you cant keep me here. I need to go back to my husband. He must be so worried now."

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