Birth [F]

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"You can do this Kai just push!"

"Mattia shut the fuck up! Do you know how fucking big his head is?! No! It's not coming out of your fucking vagina!" Kairi yelled as he pushed.

Mattia held Kairi's hand as he screamed.

"Fuuuuuuck!" Kairi yelled as he pushed. Soon the room was filled with light wails of a baby.

"Head is out! Get ready for the shoulders!" The doctor helped Kairi as he pushed his son out.

Kairi screamed one last time before his son was laid on his chest and the umbilical was cut.


A few hours later the baby was clean and Kairi and Mattia were holding him.

"I can't wait for everyone to be able to meet him." Mattia smiled as he kissed Samuel's forehead.

"Me either." Kairi smiled as he pecked Mattia's cheek.

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