First Date [F]

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"C'mon Robbie, I know she stood you up, but don't be sad." Roshaun tried to comfort the boy who was crying on his bed.

"I'm never gonna get a real date, all girls ever do is stand me up." Robert looked up at him with tears tracking down his face.

"So don't go on a date with a girl." Roshaun whispered, not expecting the boy to hear him.

"If I can't even get a girl, what guy is gonna take me on a date?" Robert looked angry and sad as he thought about his options.

"I will. Let me take you on a first date, Robbie. You won't regret it." Roshaun looked at him, he was one hundred percent serious.

"You'd do that?" Robert looked up at him and sniffled from crying before smiling at him.

"I will pick you up in an hour, so take a shower and get ready." Roshaun leaned towards him and pecked his cheek. "And no more crying." He wiped his tears with his thumb before pecking his cheek again.

"I'm gonna go set up, you get ready, bub." Roshaun waved at him and left to get his date ready.

Robert couldn't help but think that he was gonna get stood up again, but Roshaun would never do that...right?

He quickly pushed the thought away and turned the shower on.

Roshaun was panicking as the fort he tried to make in his backyard kept falling over, he needed this to be perfect.

He finally got it up and cheered slightly before setting up the little lights around the yard.

He grabbed the bag of snacks and his laptop and put them in the fort, making sure to grab Robert's favorite snack and put in next to his pillow.

He looked at the time and realized he was right on time to go get Robert and ran to his car.

When he got there he knocked on the door and impatiently waited for Robert to answer.

When he did, he had the biggest smile Roshaun had ever seen painting his face.

"Hi, Shaun." The boy was blushing as he played with the end of his light blue sweater.

"Hey, Robbie, you look beautiful." Roshaun smiled as he held his hand out. Robert shyly held his hand as they walked towards the car.

Roshaun opened his door for him, causing Robert to laugh before getting in and watching Roshaun sprint to the other side of the car.

"Ready for our first date?" Roshaun asked the boy who was singing to the music while watching Roshaun drive.

"Our?" Robert asked, Roshaun had been on a lot of dates so it definitely wasn't his first.

"Yes, our first date. For our second date I'm thinking a restaurant." Roshaun smiled as he heard the boy gasp.

"You actually wanna take me on a second date? Wait really?" Robert couldn't believe it, nobody wanted to go on a first date, let alone a second one.

"Yes, baby. I told you, no more crying so wipe those tears right now. Our second date will be this weekend." Robert laughed and wiped his tears, blushing slightly at the nickname the boy gave him.

"Thank you Roshaun, but you don't have to do this." Robert played with his sweater, he felt guilty like Roshaun was doing this out of pity.

"How else am I gonna make you my boyfriend? I have to at least take you on a date first." Roshaun smiled.

"B-boyfriend?" Robert looked shocked but not exactly opposed to the idea of them dating.

"Oh look, we're here." Roshaun parked the car and ran around to open the door for the boy.

Robert smiled at him and took his hand, they walked hand in hand to the back yard and Robert was shocked.

"You did all of this? Just for a date?" Robert gave him a tight hug and didn't let go for a minute.

"Thank you." Robert kissed his cheek and let Roshaun lead him into the little fort made of blankets.

The boys watched the movie, not letting go of each other's hand as they smiled and laughed.

The movie ended but the boys didn't leave the fort, Roshaun played with the boy's hair as they talked about old memories and fun times.

"Can I kiss you?" Roshaun looked at the boy who nodded almost immediately, brown curls bouncing around as he did.

Roshaun held his face as he leaned in, pecking his lips before pulling him into a real kiss. It wasn't desperate, it was perfect, it was exactly what the two boys needed.

Robert smiled as he pulled away and Roshaun did the same. "Be my boyfriend." Roshaun stared into his eyes, he meant every word.

"Be my boyfriend." Robert laughed and Roshaun smiled. "I guess that makes us boyfriends."

Robert pecked his lips and snuggled closely to him, accidentally pulling one of the blankets which caused the fort to collapse which made them laugh hysterically.

"C'mon let's go inside, it was cold out here anyway." Roshaun laughed and helped the boy up.

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