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No ones P.O.V.

"If you ever lay a hand on my sensei, I'll kill you!"

At the moment Naruto Uzumaki , that's the name the orphanage told him it was, but after that they kicked him out , he was right now holding a scroll almost as big as his body, he was glaring at his old teacher turned traitor,Mizuki, who was standing over his other teacher, Iruka Umino, that was now hurt, then Naruto did a hand sign that looked like a cross and then about 50-80 Naruto's appeared , which scared the living hell out of Mizuki, he got on guard but the clones suddenly pounced and beat Mizuki up into a bloody pulp, and iruka was in awe that he could do one of the most dangerous jutsu's in konoha: the shadow clone.

Up in the trees a man that had with white hair and a bandana over his eyes a hoodie that goes up to his elbows and anbu pants and shinobi sandals was crouching, watching as the supposedly dead last, was beating the crap out of a chunin , he smirked, if he taught this kid , the boy was going to be as much of a monster as he was, the kid has as much Chakra as ten genins, and that's saying something.

As naruto and iruka were talking, the stranger decided to go see the hokage, for the first time in his entire shinobi career , he was going to take on an apprentice, but something bothered him, the kid looked oddly familiar.

( at the hokage tower am hour after)

The hokage, or Minato Namikaze A.K.A. 'Konoha's Yellow Flash', was silently crying as his assistant came in as he thought there would be more paperwork , but was surprised to see the only man that can officially beat him in everything , Kai Hyuga A.K.A 'the ghost of the hyuga', he's called that name, because his style in fighting is nothing like the hyuga, for one, he uses jutsu's, and two, he got banished from his clan just like Madara.

The assistant left and closed the door, there was a silence before Kai decided to break the silence "I have decided to take an apprentice lord hokage" he said curtly, Minato's eyes widened, ever since Kai gained the rank of Sannin, because of his summoning contract, and how well he uses it, he's been allowed to accept an apprentice but has never gotten one, he wondered if it was the senju or one of the uchiha twins, or as he hoped never , one of his twins.

" and who is the prodigy ,Kai"minato said wondering who it could be, but he knew he made a mistake seeing as he saw the hyuga frown " the fact that you think I thought of getting one of those pompous arrogant brats , I didn't , I chose the one who has potential that rivals the first hokage's...I chose Naruto Uzumaki" kai said curtly again , but spit venom on the brats part, he hated those arrogant twits, Minato scowled at his twins being called that, but his eyes widened ,Naruto Uzumaki, he was trying to get him in a team with his wife and twins so they can break it to him easily, about them being his parents, and how he's not the jinchuruki of the nine tails, but here came in Kai, and wanted him as an apprentice.

"Why may I ask?" He asked nervously, why would he want Naruto? Tests said he was dead last , Kai smirked " well for one , he outran anbu soldiers , tricked you and grabbed the scroll of sealing, and mastered the shadow clone jutsu, and made at least 50 of them, and also beat up a chunin, if that's not proof enough, I know the kid never got real training did he?" Kai declared and asked, minato sighed, he was right, one of his kids actually got his potential and brains at least, his twins only had his talent , but Naruto got his brains and potential,, but he got his mother's tenacity to never quit, a good combo for a ninja, he looked up and saw Kai smirking, this was a great opportunity for his son to grow, he wasn't going to pass that up, even if his wife was going to beat him to the ground.

Minato nodded and said "permission granted, I guess I'll find a replacement for the team I was going to put him in, take good care of him ok?" Kai nodded as he was about to leave but Minato put a silencing seal and called the Anbu to leave "now that you've got him, I'm going to tell you the truth of naruto, and his herita-" "he's your son isn't he?" Kai interrupted with a scowl on his face, he has two kids already, how did no one notice he had a third?

Minato sighed and nodded, he was way to smart for his own good, and told him of what happened, how they thought they weren't ready at the time, how they didn't want the twins to be mocked and called demons, Kai just scowled "and what? Blame it on your eldest son take the blame is that it?!?! I may respect you as a shinobi , but as a man? You deserve to be called a boy still" he said in disgust, minato nodded solemnly, why did they have to leave naruto?

"I hope to have Naruto , at training ground 44 in a week after selections, am I clear?" He said coldly, he hates bad parents more then anything else, as parents they have one job, protect their kid, to abandon your kid is like...well.... abandoning YOUR FUCKING KID!!!

Minato nodded sadly as Kai left without a word more, on his way out the ghost of the hyuga smiled, oh he was going to have fun teaching this kid while tormenting the Namikaze's , they left a child alone and now it's going to come back and bite them in the ass because, when he's done with the kid , they are going to be practically begging him to come back.

Ok this is a new story that I said a couple months ago , I've been thinking of the timeline event since, thank you and goodbye

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