Chapter 28: Merry Christmas!

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Sabrina's POV

Christmas morning. Was I too old to be running down the stairs, practically pushing my sister over just to see presents under our tree? Hell yes I was. Was that going to stop me? Oh, fuck no. Christmas morning always felt like a fever dream that made me feel like a child again.

"Kaylee! Hurry up! Lets go!" I exclaimed banging on my sister door annoyingly. I couldn't help it, I was excited. Christmas morning made my heart happy in ways I couldn't explain.

We had a tradition. Stockings, presents, then pancake breakfast, then movies. It was simple but at the same time so beautiful. This year was going to be slightly different though.

With Kaylee and I being in relationships, our significant others will be spending some time with their families before coming over here to join us in a late brunch, and a few movies. Then tonight were having a big 'family' dinner. Me, Kaylee, Prescott, Cass, my dad, Marissa and her twins, will be in attendance. It will definitely be hectic.

"Nothing changes" Kaylee laughed as she followed behind me. Was she wrong? Far from it.

As we sat on the couch, I looked at my family and smiled. Our father had one thing he absolutely adored to do... matching pjs. This year he found ones with penguins and reindeer on them. He even got some for Cassandra and Prescott. Which I was more than excited for because Cass wasn't one to just wear PJs for fun, she prefers joggers more.

Our father enjoyed spoiling us, even though were as old as we are he still treats Christmas as if we were still children.

As we finished tearing through gifts, there was one last thing laying under the tree, other than the two gifts for Cass and Prescott from my father. "Who's that one for?" I questioned as I scanned it for a 'To: __' but failed to find one.

"I don't know?" My father replied, looking at it from behind me.

"HO HO HO Merry Christmas Logans!" Cassandra said bursting in through the front door, placing down like 3 big duffle-bags. I shook my head with a laugh before jumping up and running into my girlfriends arms allowing her to spin me around.

"Merry Christmas baby" She whispered into my ear.

"Merry Christmas Cassie" I whispered back as I lightly kissed her, before pulling back.

"Look how freaking cute you look baby, I love these" Cassandra said as she examined my PJs I were wearing making my cheeks burn bright freaking red.

"Ah! Cassandra you're just in time! There's a present under the tree for you" My father called out before taking a sip of his coffee.

"For me Mike!" she exclaimed as her arm wrapped around my shoulders as she led the way back to the couch.

"Sup bitch, and lil' peanut" Cass said as she lightly hit her best friends shoulder.

"Hi Pita. Merry Christmas you ass" Kaylee laughed rolling her eyes as she lightly rubbed her very slightly swollen belly.

Cassandra cheekily smiled at her as she sat beside my father, pulling me down with her.

"Cass, I have to get your gift" I laughed standing up and heading underneath the tree to grab the box with Cassandra's name on it, before handing it to her.

She opened it up to reveal the PJs we all were wearing, of course. Her eyes widened as she looked to my father. "Really? I get to be apart of the Logan PJ tradition?!" She exclaimed.

"You have always been family kid, but now you're dating my daughter and its my way of saying you will always have my blessing"

I felt tears swell in my eyes as I listened to my father.

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