Chapter 8: Do you want to talk about it?

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Kaylee's POV

Today was finally the day I had been looking forward to. My AP history class was taking a class trip to Washington DC for the weekend. We were going to tour a few museums and get a tour around the White House. It's a trip I have been looking forward to for months.

However, I'm not too excited to leave my sister for the weekend. Since my father is never around, I am worried she will not know how to take care of herself. Cassandra has said she would stay and watch over her but still, that shouldn't be her job.

As I packed up my small suitcase, Cassandra sat on my bed scrolling through her phone, laughing here and there at things she finds. Sometimes she would turn her phone to show me, other times she wouldn't leaving me standing there wondering what she was laughing at.

I couldn't help but smile at my best friend though. After everything she had been through within her life, she deserves all the good in the world. I'm so proud of the person she had become.

"Stare much?" She smirked glancing up at me.

I chuckled shaking my head as I resumed packing. "You know I'm proud of you right?" I asked her.

Her noises of fake gagging filled the room, I rolled my eyes chucking a hoodie at her. She laughed tossing it back.

"Oh, I'm kidding." She said pausing, locking her phone, and tossing it to the side, giving her full attention to me. "What's with the sap?" She questioned.

"Nothing, I'm just proud of you, I'm proud to call you my best friend"

Cass smiled pressing her hand over her heart, "That's the sweetest thing you have ever said to me"

"Oh shut up, I take it back" I snakily replied glaring at her.

She laughed and rolled her eyes, "You love me, I know it!"

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night" I added making her nod in success.

"So you're really okay staying here with SJ?" I asked as I finished zipping up my bag.

"Yeah, although she is 16 Kay. She doesn't need to be taken care of" Cass told me and I shrugged nodding already knowing she was right.

"Yeah, I know but I feel better knowing shes not alone" I replied and Cassandra nodded.

"College is gonna be hard for you hmm?"

I looked at her and nodded, "Shes my sister, I just want whats best for her" I added which ultimately made her nod.

"She will be okay Kay, shes a tough cookie"

"Yeah I know" I whispered, before checking the time.

"Oh shit, I gotta go!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my suitcase and backpack. "Cass! Ill see you later" I said rushing out of my room, leaving my bestfriend laying in my bed.

"BYE SJ ILL BE BACK IN A FEW DAYS!" I yelled from the front door to my sister who was in the kitchen. She popped around the corner and waved a sweet goodbye, as she chewed the food crammed into her mouth.

I chuckled before leaving, closing the door behind me. Hopefully my house will not burn down why I am away. I am leaving Cass and SJ to watch it, lord only knows what could happen.

Cassandra's POV

Bored, I threw my phone to the side as I laid my head back against my... well Kaylee's pillow. A piece of hair fell into my face as I blew it away I had a sudden spark of inspiration. It was 8 pm and Kaylee had been gone for a few hours now and I ended up taking a quick nap. Maybe I will see what Sabrina is doing, maybe we can play a game or something. 

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