Chapter 15: Besides, I am tired of seeing your mopey ass

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Sabrina's POV
I found myself pushing food around my plate, totally tuned out of the world. To say I was confused was an understatement. I was annoyed and extremely frustrated. My best friends sat carrying conversations with each other as I just ignored everything and everyone. I really just wanted to go home.

I looked across the lunch room quickly seeing my sister. But alas, no Cassandra. I pressed my chin into the palm of my chin, with a sigh looking back to my tray of food. I glanced between my friends, all who gave concerned looks but didn't say anything, which I was thankful for. I didn't feel like talking.

Why was the British girl ignoring me, I couldn't tell you, it just kinda started. It has been 4 days since she had started ignoring me. And let me tell you, these 4 days have been the longest, and hardest days of my life.

"I'm gonna go" I whispered, cleaning my trash up before throwing it all away. I slung my bag over my back and exited out of the cafeteria quickly before anyone could follow. I really craved to just be alone, so I went to the garden and just sat, ignoring the rather cold, crisp air around me. Ignoring the likelihood of rain or begin at any second.

The koi fish in the pond swam happily around, not bumping into each other once. They were so peaceful, so carefree. They didn't have to worry about being ignored, they just lived their life, freely swimming in their small world that seemed big to them.

However, I was only alone for a few seconds before my sister sat beside me. We remained silent, and I just watched the fish. I heard my sister rummaging around before pulling an extra jacket out of her bag before draping it over my shoulders. I looked at her and smiled in thanks. She just nodded.

I laid my head against her shoulder as she kissed the top of my head. "Who's ass do I have to beat?" She whispered.

I just chuckled, shaking my head, remaining silent.

Nodding, my sister just sat there. Moments like this with my sister, I cherished. Especially lately. She leaves for college in less than a year, and she will be going to UCLA. I didn't want her to go, but at the same time... I was excited for her, even if the thought of her leaving broke my heart in more ways than one.

I wasn't ready for my sister to leave, and moments like this really make me realize that.

We stayed there for the remainder of the lunch period. But when it began to drizzle Kaylee stood.

"Come on, lets get inside" she said sweetly but I just shrugged. The last thing I wanted to to do was go to class. "SJ you're gonna get sick" She told me.

I looked up at the sky seeing the dreary darkness looming over us. Unfortunately, she was right. So I stood and followed her back inside our school.

"Hey, I'm here for when you want to talk" She smiled kissing my forehead. I nodded, whispering a bye as we went our separate ways. I didn't go to class though. I decided to head towards my old English teachers class. I walked in, and thankfully she was not teaching and her student's were in lunch.

"What brings you here Sabrina?" She questioned as I sat in the spare desk chair.

"Girl troubles, you know the usual" I said chuckling, slumping back in the seat.

"Cassandra?" She questioned and I just nodded silently.

Mrs. Cole was probably the greatest teacher at this school. She cared more about her students than curriculum and really wanted the best for them. I had her as a teacher my freshman year, and we grew close. She became that teacher who is like a second parent. She's young, barely over 25, so she can relate to teens in this day and age. To top it off, she's a member of the LGBTQ+ community so I found comfort in telling her.

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