Prologue: He does this all the time.

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The wall felt cold against my back as I sat there against it, with shards of glass surrounding me. My head laid in my hands, as I attempted to prevent the blood from the fresh cut on my eyebrow from dripping onto the floor.

Red and blue lights lit my house up in the otherwise dark night. The room spun as faded voices echoed in my head. A person, I assumed to be a paramedic, was crouched down beside me ensuring my safety. I look to my left, and saw the remnants of the glass beer bottle my father had just chucked at me.

I winced as I felt the paramedic pull remaining shards of glass from the gash. The broken bottle laid in shambles as I looked between the broken pieces and my father being escorted out of my childhood home in handcuffs. The pieces of glass made my hands bleed and stuck to my clothing.

The warm crimson liquid dripped down my face as the paramedic began to give me stitches after cleaning the cut up enough. But I felt nothing, I avoided saying anything. I really didn't know what to say at this point. I felt numb, but also felt relieved. People were saying things, I knew they were but I wasn't fully listening.

Just then, the medics voice rang through my ears, it was the first question I fully registered. "What happened?" He slowly questioned. I looked up at him, my eyes were red from crying, and I had dried blood plastered to my face. "He does this all the time," I mumbled, finally finding my voice as I fiddled with the fresh stitches lining my right hand. "That's how my mom almost died" I added.

Then it hit me, where was my mom. I quickly tried to get up but the force of the paramedics hand pushed me back. "I'm not done honey, you have more gashes I need to stitch up" He said kindly.

"Where's my mom!?" I exclaimed, looking around. Finally I saw her, talking to one of the cops. "I need to see her" I said trying to get up again only to be pushed back again. Growing frustrated, I huffed at the medic. "I'm almost done"

I impatiently waited for him to finish, and when he finally did, I was quick to stand up. I was dizzy but that didn't stop me from running over to my mom, who when she saw me, pulled me into a huge hug.

"Cassandra are you okay?" She questioned checking me over, quickly taking notice to my stitches. "I'm fine mom" I replied back hugging her again.

"We're getting as far away from him as possible, he will be going to prison, and we will be going to the States" My mom said, and I didn't know what else to do other than just nod.

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