Chapter 18: She's just jealous you're mine

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Cassandra's POV

I got to my bike and I quickly realized something huge. There was no way I could drive. Fuck.

"I was wondering how long it would take for you to recognize you couldn't drive" My favorite voice said from slightly behind me, as I looked at my bike with the most sad expression and just kinda stared at it.

"Oh come on babe, Kaylee will drive you" Sabrina said tugging my arm slightly as I sadly crutched away. But as soon as it registered that Sabrina had yet again called me babe, my body felt on fire.

"Noooo, your sister drives bad" I playfully whined, but my mind kept repeating her calling me babe. I loved the sound of it so freaking much.

Shes called me that a few times now, and my god everytime I hear it, I just about melt. I feel my legs grow weak and my body grow limp. Pet names always seemed so cliche, but hearing them from her made me feel over the moon.

"Yeah, but you gimpy... do not have a choice" Sabrina smirked. I playfully pouted following beside her

As we got to Kaylee's car seeing her and Prescott sitting in the front seats. "I guess its safe to say your sister is dating someone" I smirked to my girlfriend as I managed to rest my hand on her lower back without dropping my crutch, as her hand held the door handle.

"Why do you think we have gotten so much alone time at the house" She questioned me with a wink as she pulled the door open. I shrugged recognizing her very valid point.

She stepped back and helped me in, ensuring I didn't fall to my doom, I slid my set of crutches in before maneuvering my body into the car, inflicting quite a bit of plain. But when I got situated she followed in behind me.

"Ready guys?" Kaylee questioned glancing to Prescott who nodded, followed by us nodding as well.

I am in a ton of pain but as soon as I felt Sabrina's hand rest above mine, in secret of course, the pain seemed to subside. I looked at her, instantly regretting it as I just wanted to kiss her, since I had only kissed her once today.

I bit my lip, as my eyes settled on her lips making my mouth dry. Her smirk made it even harder to not kiss her. Somehow though, I managed to snap out of the gay trance and look ahead.

"Hows your knee AssFace?" Kaylee questioned.

"It hurts like a son of a bitch, but oh well we won!"

"You hit the ground hard, I didn't think you were getting up" Prescott said aloud, I shrugged.

"I didn't have a choice, I practically got carried off"

"Pussy" Kaylee whispered.

I chuckled shaking my head.

"Pita, you good if we stop by my house and you can change and shower so you don't have to wear your uniform?" Kaylee questioned from the front seat as she stopped at a red light.

"Please!! I'm dying to take a shower"

Kaylee nodded, and for the rest of the ride to the Logan household, it was silent. I think I fell asleep for some of it, I had leaned my head back for a second, and the next thing I know we were there.

"Come on you" Sabrina said as the three of them climbed out of the car. Kaylee and Prescott were inside before I could even think about moving.

"So much for a best friend!" I exclaimed astounded she just left her injured best friend.

"Good thing your girlfriend is here for you" Sabrina smirked at me as I just smiled at her. She leaned against the car door frame.

"Come here" I whispered as she nodded leaning forward into the car. My lips instantly found hers, my hand going to the back of her neck like muscle memory. God I love her lips.

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